Chapter 5 - I'm such and idiot

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Two weeks Later.

I had been back at school a little over a week and was keeping my head down trying not to get myself into any more trouble.

I was in a relatively good mood today as we had an important Netball Match against a rival school.

I was really proud of our team Miss Weston and I had spent the last few months picking the members best suited to each position and our efforts had payed off as we were undefeated in the league.

But todays match was important as if we beat Moorlands school we would overtake them and be top of the table.

I was leading the team in a warm up (being captain that was one of my responsibilities) when Miss called me over.

She was stood with another PE teacher and a girl my age who I assumed who was the captain of their team.

"Jess this is Mrs Richards and Leah who are from Moorlands school" she explained to me.

"Guys this is Jess Casey Our captian" she tells them

"Nice to meet you" I say shaking hands with both of them.

We took a coin and our team wins the first centre pass.


I walk back over to my team mates and tell them to get ready for a center pass.

We velcro our positions to our Netball dresses

(This is what a Netball dress looks like for a reference)

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(This is what a Netball dress looks like for a reference)

I was playing Goal Attack  and my best friend/ Vice captain Brooke was playing Goal Shooter, we swapped who was playing witch Shooting position depending on what mood we were in.

We did our pre match handshake and got ready to start.

The whistle blew and we jumped into action.

The first  Half went well with Brooke and I scoring 2 goals each and the other team only managed to get past our amazing defenders twice so at half time the score was 4:2.

We were halfway through the the third quater and I was making a dash for the ball dodging around two other players jumping up to catch it.

As soon as I land with the ball in my hands I feel a searing pain in my right knee and I fall to the floor In agony.

I hear the whistle blow and look up to see a group of people crowding around me.

"Jess are you OK?" Brooke says rushing to my side her voice filled with worry.

"My knee" I say growing in pain.

Miss Weston dashes over takes one look at my knee and says "we need to call 911"

After hearing this I immediately start to panic "no no you don't need to call 911, I'm fine" I say attempting to get to my feet but as soon as I put weight on my knee I realise that I'm really not fine.

I fall back to the floor now in even more pain.

"Ok girls you all go over there and do some drills or something" says Mrs Richards immediately taking control of the situation as Miss Weston pulls out her phone to call 911.

Once she has made the call Miss Weston sends Brooke to wait out front for the paramedics while she pulls an ice pack out of her first aid kit and places it on my knee.

The ambulance only takes about ten minutes to arrive and when Brooke come back with the paramedics I get a bit of a shock.

"Mum!" I say shocked, what with all the pain I had not even considered the fact that 61 might turn up.

"Oh my god Jess, what happened?" She says worriedly.

"I landed wrong on my knee" I tell her wincing as she touched it.

Just then Miss Weston comes over "Jess the secretary couldn't get hold of your parents so she left a message with someone named Severide" she tells me.

"Dont worry about that Miss" i tell her with a smile. "This is my mum Gabby and my godmother Sylvie"

A smile forms on her face "Oh what a coincidence nice to meet you both"

"You too" says Sylvie taking a closer look at my knee.

"Its dislocated isn't it" i say looking at the worried look on both their faces

"Yes i think so" replies Sylvie.

"Looks like we need to get you to med" mum tells me.

"Ugh can't you just fix it here,you know how I feel about hospitals" I protest.

To say I hated hospitals was an understatement. I had spent too much time in waiting rooms wating to see if family/friends were OK after being injured at work. And I had grown to resent them.

"You do realise if you want to be a PIC your going to have to get over this fear" Sylvie says while sliding a support thingy onto my knee

"I know and it's not the gruesome stuff that freaks me out, its the seeing people I care about injured and having to wait not knowing what state there in" I tell them making sure there is no one else around to hear me say it

"Jess, trust me, you going to be ok" mum tells me squeezing my hand.

And with that the lift me up onto the gurney and wheel me back to the rig.

We were just about to shut the door when Brooke comes running carrying my bag.

"Figured you might want this" she says handing my stuff to Mum

"Thanks Brooke" she says before shutting the doors

"Brett let's go" she calls through to the front.

"Copy that Dawson" she responds before pulling the rig out of the car park.

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