Chapter 24 - Why did this have to happen?

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Diego, Liam and I were greeted by a very excitable Ellie when we got home. She had only been alone for a few hours but she greeted me as if it had been all week. I think the pandemic had made her used to someone being home with her almost all the time.

Once we'd given her lots of cuddles and said hello we settled down on the Sofa and Liam put his arm round my shoulder. I relaxed into his arms. It was nice to be cared about.

"So are you two going to sit there getting all lovey dovey or are we going to order a takeaway out" Diego says rolling his eyes.

Diego was probably the least affectionate person I knew so I sat up more on the sofa and started to kiss Liam.

Liam was a little taken aback but I knew he wasn't about to turn down a kiss so soon started to kiss me more passionately.

"Oh for fucks sake" Diego says looking awkward.

I laugh as I break away from the kiss.

"I love the idea of takeout" I say sinking back into the sofa again.

"What are we having then" says Liam pulling out his phone

"Quite frankly I don't care I'm that hungry" says Diego stretching out on the armchair.

"Pizza it is then" I say seizing Liams phone from his grasp and pulling up user eats searching for my favourite pizza place.


The pizza came about 20 minutes later and we sat infront of an episode of greys Anatomy munching our pizza in silence.

I'm quite lost in the episode and meredith and Derek writing on the post it when I feel movement behind me.

Liam has moved his arm off my shoulders and down behind my waist and intwined his fingers with mine.

I shift my body so I'm facing him more and it only takes a second of eye contact before we both move our heads closer together pressing our lips together.

Damn I love this boy so fucking much.

I know we've only been together a short while but in this moment it felt like a lifetime.

Liam began deepening the kiss and I wasn't about to stop him but my phone had other ideas as it started ringing on the coffee table where I had left.

Reluctantly I pulled apart from Liam and saw it was my mum calling me.

I told The boys to mute the TV as I answer It.

"Hey mum" I say in a cheery voice but I was surprised that she didn't reply in the same way

"Jess I need you to listen to me carefully" she says talking very quickly.
I could also tell she sounded upset.

"Mum what's going on?" I say my voice wobbling slightly.

Both Liam and Diego were looking at with concerned looks on thier faces.

"You three need to get to med ASAP Jays been shot and its not looking good"

I feel all the colour drain from my face as I hang up the phone.

"Jess what's going on?" Diego asks looking worried.

They could tell by the look on my face that something was up

I just take Laims hand in mine and look him square in the eyes trying to stop my self from bursting into tears as I told him.

"Your dad's been shot and its not looking good

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