Chapter 64 - Settling in

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So far my first ever shift as a paramedic had been going great.

We've had a few calls all of witch T.k had managed to get to med alive which was always a bonus.

It was now about 3pm amd we'd just arrived back at the Firehouse after a gang shooting, Intelligence were actually working this case and it was nice to say a brief hello to Erin and Insult Antonio who was trying to embarrass me.

As we walked up the stairs and headed into the lounge T.K started telling the others how I had told an Intelligence Detective to Fuck off on my first shift.

"No way good on you" Buck says enthusiastically "which one was it, please tell me it was Ruzek he's a right asshole"

I laugh as Judd steps in a bit more serious than buck but still shocked that I did it

"You've got balls I'll give you that JC" he says.

"Its really not that big of a deal" I say trying to calm them down

"It kinda is, if they report you then you could be fired" Herrera says genuinely concerned.

"Honnestly it's fine it was my uncle Antonio we do it all the time he won't report me.

"Seriously" T.K says a little disappointed

"Yeah sorry to disappoint" I reply now laughing at his face going over to pour myself some coffee

I was already feeling at home with theese people. I loved 51 don't get me wrong but it was nice to have my own Firehouse family rather than tagging along with my parents all the time.

I sat down at the table and pulled out my phone to see if Liam had messaged me. He hadn't. I was a little disappointed but I knew he was working and would message me when he had time.

"So then JC, tell us a bit about your self" Chimney says as the rest of the wander around  looking for snacks and/or coffee I knew all to well how hungry Firefighters got.

"Well I'm 19 years old grew up in Firehouses thanks to my parents so it was always something  I wanted to do. I play Netball for the local team and am very competitive. Most people say I inherited my mums temper so look out for that" I tell them

"Damn 19 I didn't realise you were that young" T.K says looking at me shocked "how the hell are you so good at paramedicine and 19"

"My mum, is a paramedic, Gabby Dawson, maybe you know her?" I say simply "she and my godmother Sylvie Brett taught me everything I know"

He now looks even more shocked

"Dawson is your mum, that is so cool she is like as badass as they come" he replies.

"T.K is literally like your mums biggest fan" Mateo says patting him on the back earning himself an elbow in the ribs from T.K

Just then my phone buzzes on the table I pick it up quickly hoping to see a message from Liam but its just Diego asking for date ideas I Ignore him and set my phone back down on the table.

"Thats a cute photo" Herrera says pointing at my lock screen "is that your boyfriend?"

My lock screen is a photo of me and Liam in the park a couple of weeks ago I'm on his back and Ellie is jumping up at his heels.

Brooke took it hoping to get a cute picture of us and she did not disappoint

"Yeah it is" I say smiling at the thought of Liam "it's coming up to one year together now"

"Aww that's Sweet" she replies

"Come on Lieutenant don't go shipping other people just because your own love life is a mess" Buck says

This earns him glares from both Lieutenants, hmmmm I'm guess they have history. And a laugh from everyone else.

Firehouse banter never gets old

I've found my place,

This is what I was ment to do.

Who I was ment to be.

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