Chapter 52 - Time With Liam

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When I pulled up outside Liams Appartment block he was outside waiting for me.

"Hey" I say as he comes over and hugs me.

"You ok Jess, you sounded off on the phone?" He says the concern in his voice obvious.

"Yeah, my dad's mum just showed up on the porch with her suitcases and quite frankly I didn't want to be near her without my parents" I tell him, getting Ellie out of the car

"Did you call your parents?"

"Yeah dad stopped on his way back to 51 and had a go at her she's staying at mine tonight while my parents are on shift and we are supposedly discussing what's going to happen next when they get home,which is fine I completely understand that but I'm not going to lie it's a tad awkward being in a house with your grandmother you hardly know"

"I see your point, I also feel you are kinda using this as an excuse to see me though" he says smiling

"Shut up" I say playfully punching him, he was right of course, I had and will always take advantage of any opportunity to spend time with him.

We make our way into the building hand in hand, Ellie trotting along beside us.

"I texted mum just to let her know you were coming over and she said she would be home by 8 and pick up Pizza for dinner" he told me as we walked into his apartment.

I nodded as I took in my surroundings.

It was the first time I had actually Been to his home and it was a pretty nice place. It had that warm and homly  feeling that's so hard to describe and also a sense of style as well, with decotive ornaments dotted around amount the pictures.

"My rooms this way" Liam Said beckoning me down the hall.

His room wasn't particularly big but Liam had made it home there was a desk in the corner where his computer and PlayStation were and pictures with friends and family dotted around the room. I did notice that one of us and one of him and his dad were on either side of his bed.

"You like it?" He askes wrapping his arms around me from behind

"Love it" I reply smiling.

I then notice a picture on His desk of him and a group of people I had never seen before.

"Who are those people?" I ask picking the picture up for a closer look

"My friends from my last school" he explains "I haven't talked to them since I left but I kinda wish I had made more of an effort to keep in touch"

"You still can message them you know, invite them over tomorrow or something, it's not as if you have any where to be and you start the academy next week and that takes up most of your time"

"Yeah I guess your right" he sighs "but that can wait right now I want to hear all about what happend with your grandma"

"Ok fine but its a long story if you want it from the beginning" I explain

"I've got all the time in the world"

"OK then"


2 hours later

I explained the situation to Liam and he had no advice to give but said that i was right to remove myself from the situation if I didn't feel comfortable.

It was now getting round to 7:30 and Liam and I had just finished watching 'No time to die' it was a really good film considering I had never watched the other james bond Films, but it Deffinatly didn't end how I expected it to.

"Well then waht to do now" Liam says stretching

"I don't know let's find something else to watch" I say

"Yeah I'm down for that but something  short as mum will be home in a bit?" He replies

No sooner had the words left his mouth there was  the sound of a key in the door and Erin walked in carrying 3 large pizza boxes.

"Hey you two" she says I'm her softer more friendly tone, very different to the one she uses at work

"Hey mum, good day?" Liam replies

"Oh you know so so how about you guys?"

"Not to bad I suppose, but my grandmother showing up put of the blue made it worse" I say sighing.

"Is this the grandmother that killed her husband?" Erin asks "oh I know because Kelly told me years ago when we were together"

I knew that Kelly and Erin had been a thing before Liam and I were born but this was apparently news to Liam and he spun round d and looked at his mum rather oddly

"You used to date Severide!" He says disbelieveingly.

"Yep" I say trying not to laugh "I've  heard all about it from my parents more than once"

"You.....and severide......not the match I'd go with but ok" Liam says quizzically.

Erin laughs before replying. "It was a long time ago Kelly and I agreed we were better of as friends.

"Thats Deffinatly right" Liam adds wiping  his brow "Jeez if severide was my dad who knows how I would have turned out"

All three of us start laughing it was odd to imagine Liam being Kelly's son.

Erin then handed us both a pizza box and we watched a entire season of broklynn nine nine before Liam and I decided to call it a night and headed to bed.

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