Chapter 50 - Complicated

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"So how's it going with you and Diego?" I asks Brooke.

It's was a couple of days later, we were on face time and I had finally decided to establish what was going on with her and my cousin.

She sighs lookinglike she doesn't want to talk about it.

"Ok i'll change the question, how do you feel about the other night?"

"Thats the issue I don't actually know how I feel" she says sadly "I care about him I really do but I don't know  what to do or anything"

Oh god this was really affecting her I'm starting the think I might have pushed them a bit to far.

But even if she can't quite manage to work out her feeling I know for sure that she really does like him.

"Well if it makes your life easier he really likes you" I say smiling sympathetically

"Yeah thanks it does, I need to talk to Diego I think, thats my best option"

"Yeah it is, why don't you text him and see if you can go for a walk together or something it will make things easier if your not sitting staring at each other.

"Ok thanks I'll call him now"

"Wait what! Brooke hold on...."

She'd hung up on me.

Ughhhhh it was a Saturday afternoon and I didn't have anything to do.

I was flopped on my bed Ellie by my side also lolling about.

My boredom was short lived as the doorbell rang

I rolled out of bed and plodded slowly down the stairs.

The bell rang again, whoever was there must have really wanted an answer.

I tuned the handle and opened it to see a face I recognised but couldn't work out where from and she obviously knew me.

"Jessica lovely is that you? goodness you look amazing I haven't seen you since you were 10"

She then moved to hug me but I pushed her off I wanst completely comfortable with a hug especially as I didn't know for sure who she was.

"I'm sorry but am I supposed to know you?"

I had also noticed a pair of suitcases behind her

"Oh dear yes, silly me, I should have realised you might not recognise me, I'm Nancy casey, or grandma as you used to call me."

Holy shit

I could see it now my dad looked so much like her, and now she had turned up on our doorstep.

Why was she here and what did she want........


Happy Halloween people,

Hope your all OK,

I get to go back to work tomorrow after nearly a month off and it's my birthday tomorrow as well so that's a bonus.

If you like my story feel free to vote on your favourite chapters also follow me as inwill be more active on my profile as well. :)


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