Chapter 46 - Graduation

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3 weeks later

A lot had happened in the last 3 weeks, Poppy had moved out (I was thrilled by this), both Liam and Diego had got Into the Police academy, Brooke had been accepted as an apprentice hairdresser and Kelly and Stella had got engaged.

Kelly had asked me for help on an engagement plan and together we had come up with a perfect plan......and of course that had all gone to hell when he had proposed in the middle of a burning building in true Severide fashion.

Today was the day I graduated high school. I had my ups and downs at that place over the last 4 years and although I wasn't willing to admit it to anyone I was going to miss it.

We met Liam, Erin, Antonio and Deigo outside the school (Brooke had texted saying she'll meet us later) we headed out to the football field which is where graduation was being held this year, it was one of the many measures in place due to covid.

Our parents went and sat in the stands while the rest of us went and found our seats, we had to sit alphabetically on chair spaced 2 metres apart meaning we were all separated by other students.
It wasn't long until the ceremony began one by one students receiving thier diplomas.

Then speeches were made by the head boy and girl Scarlett and Will and of course Miss Smith made a big deal over us all and spoke a load of rubbish like teachers always did at the end of the school year.

Then it was over, we had done it, we had made it through high school.

"Congrats you four" Antonio says as we meet up with the parents, Liam had his arm round my shoulder

"Yes, congratulations" Brookes Mum says hugging her daughter.

"Thanks" Deigo says hugging his dad

"We best be going,but you are more than welcome to come over this evening and stay over" mum says to the group.

"Wait are we going somewhere?" I ask confused

"Maybe?" Dad says winking at me

"Oh ok" I wasn't expecting to go out.

I say bye to my friends and kiss Liam goodbye, Antonio felt the need to cheer when we did so. Then I chambered into the car with my parents.

"So where are we going?" I ask them as we pull out of the car park.

"You'll find out" dad says smiling at me in the reerview mirror

"Oh come on!" I say laughing

"Its only a ten minute drive you'll find out soon enough" mum adds also laughing

"Fine" I say and pull out my phone and begin scrolling through Pinterest


10 minutes later

"No way, I've always wanted to go here" we had just pulled up outside the bedt Italian restaurant in the city

"Really?" Says dad "I had no idea"

"You guys are the best" I say hugging them both after we get out the car.

"You deserve it Jess, your worked so hard these last few years and they haven't been easy" mum says hugging me again.

"Awww thanks but I couldn't have done it without you both" I say smiling.

We head into the restaurant and it was everything I'd ever dreamed of (is it wired that I'd had dreams about eating at a fancy restaurant, probably but let's not mention that again.)

It's Deffinatly nice to get out and do things as a family again rather than just sit at home watch movies and order take out.

My parents were the best they had done so much for me I knew I had to find a way to repay them.

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