Chapter 19 - Nobody Knows

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I was busy cleaning up the leftover chilli when I hear voices out in the hallway.

I notice one has a CPD badge around his neck so I assume they're here to take statements.

The common room is empty, Squad are at the squad table, truck and engine are in the bunk room and I'm pretty sure my parents were curled up in dad's office Trying to process what had happened.

"Can I help you" I say walking over to them

"Oh yes I'm Officer Burgess and this is Detective......"

"Hey kiddo good to see you" says my uncle Antonio before his partner can introduce him

"Kim this is Jess my niece" he explains noticing the confused look on her face.

"Oh cool nice to meet you jess" she replies

"You to" I say but I'm not really paying attention as a certain someone has just walked through the door looking a bit pissed off and arguing with his dad.

"Look dad I get it respect the neighbours and keep the noise down" Liam says crossly

"You obviously don't get it if I'm getting calls from Mr Stevens saying your blasting music while his kids are trying to sleep" Jay counters

"Those kids were not trying to sleep they're only a year younger than me and i can also hear them through the walls on a regular basis so really me doing it once is not an issue"

"I'm not dealing with this now I've got work to do" says Jay walking up to where I'm stood with Antonio amd Kim.

"Who do you want to talk with first?" I say trying to get rid of the 3 members of Intelligence so I could speak to Liam

"It doesn't matter but we need to speak with everyone" Antonio says

"Well Squad are at thier table, chief is in his office and everyone else is in the bunk room"

"Can we use that room there?" Asks burgess peering over my shoulder looking into the briefing room

"Yeah I don't see why not, I'll leave you guys to it I've got lots of washing up to do" I say and begin to turn back towards the kitchen.

"Hold on, I'm sure My son here would be more than happy to help you" Jay says patting Liam on the shoulder

"What, no" protests Liam "I'll just sit on my phone thanks"

"Ahh excellent you can do the drying" and I chuck a tea towel in his direction.

The others walk in the direction of the bunk room to start collecting statements.

"It's been a while since we saw each other in person" Liam says with a grin

"Yeah, well we're are in the middle of a Global Pandemic" I reply with the same grin

"True, I've missed you though"

I smile at him he was pretty amazing

"So, your here because you pissed off the neighbours"

"I enraged the neighbours rather than pissed them off but yeah"

"I'm sorry your stuck following your dad around but hey at least you get to see me"

He smiles and puts his hands on my waist pulling me closer.

"Be careful nobody knows about us yet" I whisper but he's not listening.

"Once this pandemic is over I'm taking you on a date" he says before kissing me gently.

I just smile he was the only person that could make me lost for words like that.

"Ok" I say kissing him back "but I do need to get this washing up done sometime before midnight so we might as well do it now"

He nods and picks up the tea towel again.

We wash and dry in silence for a few minutes. I'm partially trying to listen to see what people are saying to the Intelligence team. But I've heard nothing.

I'm forced to stop listening when I feel a pair of hands on my waist and someone breathing on my neck.

"Your going to get caught" I say trying not to smile.

"So what" he replies spinning me round to face him.

"Our parents are here"


"I'd rather tell them myself and not them find me making out with them like last time"

"Last time?"

"Oh it's nothing, he was my cousins friends brother, my parents got home from shift early and found us kissing in the kitchen, they were not pleased at all"

"How long were you together?"

"Couple months he dumped me not long after my parents found us said he didn't like them and they were intimidating"

He laughs when I say this

"If your mum is anything like your uncle she'll come across scary and intimidating but actually be really nice"

I smile and kiss him softly

I was glad he said this my parents and I were close as lots of people knew amd I knew it would bother me if my boyfriend didn't like them or vice versa.

"I reckon I'm going to tell them tomorrow morning when we get home, I hate keeping this from them"

"Yeah OK let me know how it goes and if it goes ok I'll tell my dad as well"

Just then we're alerted by movement in the briefing room amd Liam let's go of my waist and picks up a coffee mug amd begins to wipe it dry

"Liam were going" Jay calls from the hall way

"Yep on my way" he replies setting down what he was holding before muttering to me "talk tomorrow" and squeezes my hand discreetly.

I nod and smile not saying anything in response.

Ahhhh he was actually amazing, screw all the rubbish I'd heard about him being a 'bad boy' he could be a little roudy at times but he had a soft side and I think I was the only one he was willing to let his guard down for, except maybe his dad of course.

All I had to do now was figure out how to tell my parents......

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