Chapter 66 - I Missed you

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Some how I had become Chief wedding planner for Kelly and Stella, not that I minded.

It didn't take long for the three of us to get lost in wedding plans including cake  flavours,Venues and Caterers and before we knew it was lunch time and I had been at 51 all morning

Kelly let out a large sigh and sat back in the sofa

"Thats enough for today this stuff tires me out"

"Well it's not as if I can do it on my own it is your wedding" I point out.

"Yeah I know that but you know me I'd much rather just go to town hall and do it there rather than messing around with all this stuff"

"You will regret not having a proper wedding in a few years, dad says it's one of his biggest regrets, isn't that right dad..." is say turning to dad who hadn't actually been paying attention to what we were saying.

"Huh, oh what ever you say Jess yes" he says before going back to his conversation with Herrman

I roll my eyes as Kelly sniggers that was not the answer I'd hoped for.

"Just forget wedding planning for now" he says "anyway Jess you've got a visitor"

I turn round and immediately feel a huge smile spread right across my face and I jump up out of my seat.

"What are you doing here?" I say hugging Liam tightly.

"Well i went to your house but you weren't there so I assumed you'd be here and I'm pretty sure I was right" he replies kissing the top of my head.

"Yeah well I was bored so what did you expect me to do" I say innocently

Liam just rolls his eyes as I drag him over to where we were sat looking at all the wedding stuff.

"Oh my god you two really need to stop giving her ideas" Liam says Jokingly when he sees all the pictures

This makes us all burst out Laughing until a voice from behind us speaks up.

"Well well well if it isn't Liam Halstead"

Liam and I turn around and see Eddie standing behind us

"Eddie!" Liam replies looking a bit awkward "Good to see you, it's been a while hasn't it"

"Well yeah it wouldn't have been so long if you had bothered to message your old friends after you moved schools" Eddie replies Coldly

"Yeah...well...some stuff happened and I really didn't feel up to texting people" Liam replies.

His dad is still quite a touchy subject for him and I know he's trying not to go into too much detail.

"Whatever" Eddie Replies rolling his eyes going to pour himself some coffee

Liam looks ready to punch him so I intervene before things go sideways.

"Anyway we best be off see you guys later" I say grabbing Liam firmly by the arm and waving to the team.

"So then" I say once we were out of the Firehouse "Let's go back to my empty house" I make sure to put emphasis ont the word Empty.

He chuckles at this

"Seriously Casey you are trouble sometimes"

"I am aren't i" I reply with a smirk

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