Chapter 17 - Spill the beans

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I was on my way back to the common room from the bathroom when Kelly sticks his head out his office.

"You do realise if you're going to make out with someone without your parents knowing maybe don't do it right outside thier place of work"

Bloody hell, he'd seen me.

I shove him back into his office and close the door behind us

"You were following me!" I say not quite sure what else to say

"No, I had to go to my car for something and there you were making out with some boy"

"Don't you dare tell mum and dad" I say threateningly

"Or what"

"Or I'll,I'll......"

"Relax it's not as if I was going to tell them anyway"

"Thanks" I say thankful that my secret was safe

"However I will tell them if you don't tell me everything about him"

"No absolutely not" I protest But he is already halfway out the door

"Wait ok fine I'll tell you" I say before he can get to far.

"But only if you ask Stella out on a date!"

I'd pay good money to see the look on his face any day. He was definitely not expecting me to say that.

"Thats blackmail" he says bluntly

"Yeah kind of more of a deal in my opinion, and don't give me any bulshit about how you don't like her or I will walk out of here and tell her your desperate to Fuck her"

He rolls his eyes "Ugh fine I will ask Stella out IF you tell me what's up with you and that boy"

"Ok so he started at my school a few weeks ago his names Liam Halstead..."

"As in the one who was with Jay the other day" he interrupts

"Yes, we started texting after that day then I realised my feelings and started ignoring him so he showed up today and confessed his love and we kissed"

"Thats it!" He says looking a bit disappointed

"Well what did you expect I'm nothing like you going off and getting married in vegas"

"Ok shut up that was a one time thing"

I roll my eyes he was right it was a one time thing but the fact that it even happend was a bit unusual

"Now come with me" I grab him by the arm and lead him out of the bunk room in search of Stella

Unbeknownst to Kelly I had planned on doing some like this in the near future but I had the opportunity now so now was when it was going to happen.

We found Stella by 61 helping mum and Sylvie out with inventory.

"Stella could you come here for a sec Severide has finally grown some balls and wants to ask you something" I say trying not to smile

She looks confused but walks over to where Kelly and I are stood.

I decide to leave them to it and walk over to the Ambo and join the two paramedics in watching the situation unfold. We couldn't hear anything but you could kinda read their lips.

"How the hell did you get him to talk to her" mum says surprised "Stella was literally just complaining because severide has been avoiding her"

"A true Dawson never reveals her secrets" I say with a smirk

Brett just laughs "you two are so alike it's scary"

Mum and I just shrug at each other like all families we always said we didn't look like each other when ever people were stupid enough to state the obvious but we both secretly liked the face we looked so alike.

There Is a bond between mother and daughter that will never be broken, that unconditional love you have for one another that no partner could ever replace.

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