Chapter 14 - New Boy

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"Jessica your late" Thats a phrase nobody wants to hear first thing on a Monday morning.

Admittantly I was only a few minutes late,mum and I had been out on our usual early morning walk with Ellie and I had then got distracted singing ABBA in the shower.

But i wasn't keen on my classmates finding out why I was late, so I just apologised and hoped I wasn't asked anymore questions

"Sorry sir it won't happen again"

"It better not, now as I was saying we have a new student Joining us today, I want you to meet Liam Halstead who has transferred to our school from Moorlands School and even though we are not currently in school I hope you give him a warm welcome"

I glance over my screen looking for his camera. He's not bad looking i think to myself.

Then I receive a text from Brooke

B: he's a bad boy my cousin said he was in a ton of trouble at his last school and transferred out before he could be kicked out

You might want to look away from him....... your staring.

I tear my eyes away from him as I read the last line Brooke sent me

J: I am not staring..............

B: are too and if your are going to stare don't make it so obvious

J: 🙄

The last thing I needed now was to be obsessing over a real boy, I had enough trouble obsessing over fictional characters that didn't exist.

No,calm down Jess, your just building and impression of the new boy there is no feelings whatsoever. I told myself over and over agin until I started to believe it.

But there was still a voice at the back of my head telling me otherwise


1 week later

I was back at 51, back at 51 and arguing with Kelly.

"Why can't you just admit that you like her"

"Because we are just friends and since when was my sex life your bussiness."

"I don't give a damn about your sex life thank you very much but I do think you should stop being a pussy and ask her out"

We were talking about Stella, I had been watching him all morning inbetween my online lessons every time she walked into the common room where Kelly and I were (he had taken to sitting with me and attempting to take part in my lessons as well) he would follow her round the room with his eyes.

"I'm not going to ask her out and I'm also not taking relationship advice from a 17 year old" he says defensively

"Whos taking relationship from a 17 year old?"

We both spin round to see a tall dark haired man with a cpd badge round his neck.

"Detective Halstead good to see you" says Kelly walking away from me

"Now your ignoring me" I protest

"Sure am" he replies giving me a smug smile

"Anyway what can I do for you Halstead?" He says turning to the Detective who I now notice has a boy lingering behind him, a boy I recognise.

"stop right there your just changing the subject you jackass"

He shakes his head still smiling

"Jay this is Jess, Jess this is Detective Jay Halstead from Intelligence"

"You must know my uncle if your Intelligence" i say shaking his hand "Antonio Dawson" I say looking at his confused face.

"Ohhh yeah that would make you Gabby and Matts kid right"

"Thats me" I say smiling

"Dad can we just go now I'm bored" says the person behind him

"No its your fault your here anyway" Jay says turning back to Severide.

"Jess what aren't you in class?" of course I was going to hear this

"Relax dad I'm doing my food tech practical" I say indicating to a rather large pot of homemade pasta boiling on the stove

"Fair enough"

"Ahh casey I need to speak with you and severide about that call earlier today" says Jay noticing him

"Yep cool let's go somewhere else" dad says eying me suspiciously

He was right to be skeptical I did tend to listen in to conversations when I was bored

And all three men walked out leaving me alone with Liam.

I turn around and stir my sauce trying not to stare at him

"Your in my form" he says peering into my saucepan

"No shit sherlock"

"You should be nicer to me"


"We're in the same boat, stuck doing school work at home and our parents work you must be fed up of being around the Firehouse"



"Yes there's lots to do around  here and I can help out restocking the rigs and stuff it's not like half the stuff is confidential"

"Ok fair point"

"So why aren't you in lessons"

"Got permanently banned from Spanish"

"Woah, I mean she hates me too but not enough to get banned"

"Well I may have hacked into Google meet and made all her stuff not work then continued to dick around the whole lesson"

He said this as he was proud and to be fair I was kinda impressed

"She deserved it not gonna lie"

"See I knew I'd get on with you since that time you were late to form on my first day"

I was shocked by this, he had actually noticed me, which was more than could be said for the rest of my classmates.

I open and close my mouth trying to form a reply but no words come out

"Liam let's go" Jay calls from the door

"See you around Casey"

"You too Halstead"

And he follows his dad out the door

I shake my head and begin draining the pasta ready to serve it

Just as I was about to call everyone for lunch I get a snapchat notification which I assume was from Brooke ,no one else ever maeesges me.

But I glance at the notification panel and get a surprise

Liam Halstead added you, say hi

I suddenly had a warm fuzzy feeling in my heart, maybe this guy was not the bad boy everyone thought and only seemed that way until you got to know him.

But either way I was about to find out

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