Chapter 29 - How'd it go?

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Liam arrived at 51 about 20 minutes before dinner in a reasonably good mood.

He came over amd sat down next to me and started talking before I could say anything.

"It went OK, I'll tell you more when we get home there's too many people who might overhear me here"

I nod

"I'm glad it went ok"

I turned back to my drawing

It was a picture of Ellie, my art teacher Mrs Burgess had asked us to draw an animal the held a special place in your heart and I had decided that Ellie definitely fitted the brief

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It was a picture of Ellie, my art teacher Mrs Burgess had asked us to draw an animal the held a special place in your heart and I had decided that Ellie definitely fitted the brief.

The rest of shift was fairly quiet which was actually quite rare as 51 was considered a busy house.

We headed home after morning registration which ment I'd be missing Food tech and Liam History but we'd emailed our teachers letting them know and like always they understood.

I Hardly got to speak to Liam for the rest of the day as we were so busy with school work, our teachers were bombarding us with facts and new knowledge we'd apparently need for our finals in a few weeks.

We eventually got to talk about his mum after dinner when we were flopped on my bed listening to some music in the background.

I had just to Alexa to shuffle my liked songs and the first one that came up was swim by Alec benjamin.

"So how did it go with your mum?" I ask him finally

"You wanna see a picture of her?" He says pulling out his phone

"Deffinatly" I say rolling over

"Thats her and Voight, he's known her since she was 15 he's practically her dad"

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"Thats her and Voight, he's known her since she was 15 he's practically her dad"

"So that makes him your granddad then" I say chuckling slightly

"I suppose so, it also explains why he's always looking out for me, He sees me as a grandson"

"You look almost exactly like your dad" I say " but you have your mothers eyes"

"Yep I also got my aggression and rowdyness from her apparently but she's glad my childhood wasn't like hers whatever that's supposed to mean.

"I have no idea" I reply

"She's taking dad's job in Intelligence too"

"You know that's kinda good it's not going to some rookie who has no idea how the unit operates"

"Thats one of the reasons I love you" he says rolling over so he's looking into my eyes

"What?" I say confused

"You pick up on things I don't notice, originally I wasn't best pleased about her taking dad's spot but I now see why Voight offered it to her" he explains.

"I'm so glad it went ok for you" I reply.

"Aww thanks, your coming with me next time I see her by the way"


"Yes, you know girlfriend meeting the parent and all that shit"

"Oh yeah, I'm an idiot"

"Your my idiot"

I just smile and gently press our lips together.

How could I be so lucky amd have the absolutely most perfect man ever.

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