Chapter 42 - School again.

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This may not be entirely accurate but I needed them to  return to school full time before they graduate:)

Dear Parents/Carers

As you may be aware current circumstances are getting better and we are now allowed to allow all students back to school for the last 4 weeks of the school year.

Yes I know you may be thinking what's the point as Covid - 19 is still a threat but I believe our students have lost simply too much leaning this year for us not to give students a few weeks of 'normality' before the summer break.

There will of course be precautions in place these will be

-social distancing from students not in your grade

- Masks to be worn in all corridors

- students to refrain from walking around the classroom.

Students will return on Monday 14th June and school life will continue as normal form there

Yours sincerely,

Robert Chilton

Head teacher

That was the letter my parents received in the post this afternoon

"Is it really safe to be going back to school?" I ask them as we're sitting at the table having lunch a couple hours after Liam left.

"I don't know" mum replies "but we can't exactly stop you from going to school"

"Well I for one am glad to be going back and seeing my friends" Poppy says.

We had been getting along a bit better now I think its because we were forced to spend so much time together

"Yeah I suppose" I add I only really had Brooke, Diego and Liam but it would be nice to see them in person a bit more often.

"Looks like you two will be back in school wether you like it or not" dad says

"Yep" I say

I really wasn't very enthusiastic about going back.

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