Chapter 37 - Waffles

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"Hello?" I say to the important looking person behind the door

"Good afternoon Miss I'm looking for a Matthew Casey does he live here?"

"What do you want" I say agressively

"Nothing that concerns yourself my sweet now I do really need to speak to Mr Casey is he in"

My sweet, did he just call me 'my sweet? Ew

"No he's not here but I can tell him you stopped by do you have name?"

He rummages in his pocket and pulls out a busisness card.

I don't look at it just shove it in my pocket say goodbye and slam the door in his face.

Rude I know but it's late why do men in suits come knocking on doors at 9:30pm
On a Tuesday?

I then take a look at the bussiness card and peer at it.

It's for some fancy pants attorney, I didn't realise my dad needed an attorney but oh well.

"What was that about?" Liam asks coming in form the garden

"I don't know some attorney wanting to speak to my dad,no idea why"

"Fair enough, you wanna sort out dinner"

"Yep dinner than bed for me I'm so tired" I say flopping down on the Sofa.

"Well then" Liam says peering does at me "what would ma'am like for dinner?"

"Ooo are you offering to cook by any chance?" I say smiling

"Maybe" he replies smirking

"Then I'll order pizza thanks"

"Seriously, I offer to cook for you and all you want is pizza" says Liam pretending to be offended

"Yep"  I say smugly

"Right then you can get you lazy ass of this sofa and cook your self then"

And with that he picks me up off the sofa and throws me over his shoulder so my face is inches from mine

"I'm joking you can cook if you want to" I say squirming in his arms.

"Excellent, what about waffles" he says carrying me to the kitchen.

"Waffles? for dinner?"

"Why not?"

"Fair point let's get cooking"

He kisses me gently before dumping my body on the floor and rummaging in a cupboard for some equipment

When we start cook the waffles, Liam thinks its a good Idea to throw flour at me.

"Did you seriously just do that?" I sat turning around but he wasn't looking at me

"I don't know what your talking about Casey" he replies I can tell hes trying not to laugh

I pull a face and turn back to the washing up, but it doesn't take long before I feel more flour land on top of my head.

"Right that's it!" I say giggling

I reach into the cupboard where we keep the new bags of flour pick one up and rip it open and launch it at him full force.

It hits him in the shoulder and a big puff of flour comes out coating him and the floor.

He has an evil look in his eyes one obviously wanting revenge. But you don't mess with me.

By the time we have run out of flour we are both covered, Ellie also has quite a considerable amount in her fur

We sit at the table munching our waffles when Poppy comes downstairs her face drains of colour when she's sees the kitchen.

"What the fuck happened here,your parents are going to kill us" she says shooting a cross look at us both.

"Relax it's not that bad" I say brushing her off

"Jess it is quite bad" Laim says laughing

"Oh well we'll clean it up later, there are waffles on the side if you want them Poppy" I say.

She sighs takes some waffles and walks back upsatiars.

"She has got a point about the mess" Laim says

"Whatever I say if we can't clean it all we can just say Ellie knocked the bag over its not like I haven't does that before.

He laughs and shakes his head

"You are trouble casey you really are"

That's me Jessica Leslie Casey resident troublemaker.


The next morning

Liam and I are curled up together on the sofa, Ellie at my feet when mum amd dad get home from shift.

"Morning" I say waving at them but not moving from my comfortable spot on the sofa

"Morning Lovebirds" mum says setting shopping bags down on the counter.

"You've still got flour in your hair" Liam whispers pausing with his fingers in my hair

"Oh well" I mutter "I just hope we got it all off the kitchen counter"

But I'd spoken too soon, dad had spotted some

"I don't suppose you two know anything about this flour on the counter do you?"  He asks accusingly

"" Liam starts trying to explain

"I accidentally knocked it over last night We thought we'd cleaned it all up" I say the lie coming easily.

"Hhmmmm ok" dad says not convinced

But I change the subject before he can query anymore

"Some fancy attorney came over looking for dad last night, his cards on the side"

"Did he say what he wanted?" Dad asks looking at the card

"No he was insistent about talking  to only you" I reply.

"I'll call him later right now I need a shower" dad says and he walks off up the stairs

"I love you but I think you need a shower to" laim tells me "your still covered in flour"

"Hang on if you knocked the bag on the floor how are you have flour in your hair?" Mum asks suspicious

I don't answer and get up off the sofa and head upstairs to get ready of my shower

Hey guys,

Sorry for the slight absence as I've been really busy the last week with my new job. I'm loving it though.

I have lots of chapters written I just forget to post them so please bear with me as I'm In full work mode at the moment.

Hope your well

Iz x

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