Chapter 22 - Typical School

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*me being the massive Taylor Swift fan I am means  couldn't not add this song to the top of the 22nd chapter :)*

Actually there were 2 people there....

"Ahh Jessica, Brooke so good to see you both" Mr Lewis says with what I assume is a smile under his Mask.

"Morning sir" I reply with a smile, he was a really nice person, really genuiene said things as they were and he had always supported me with whatever was going on in my life.

"Let me introduce you to our two new students, Liam who joined us during Lockdown and..."

I recognise the other person who is sat next to Liam even under a mask there was no mistaking who it was

"Diego??" I saw more than a little shocked

"JC" he replies obviously smirking, I could tell by the look on his eye.

"You two know each other?" Asks Mr Lewis confused and I notice Liam has a look of concern on his face I takes all I have not to laugh.

"We're cousins" I tell Liam,Brooke and Mr Lewis

I can tell Liam immediately breaths a sigh of relief.

"Ahh yes I see the resemblance now you mention it" Mr Lewis says handing Brooke and me a sheet of paper before motioning us to go and sit down with the boys.

"Why is it the men in your family are so fit" Brooke mutter as we walk to the table

I can't help but bust out Laughing was she actually serious, I had no idea but the thought of it just cracked me up.

I sat down next to Liam and Brooke sat on my other side filling up the table.

Just then I remembered that I needed to ask Mr Lewis something

"Sir" I say to grab his attention

"Yes Jess?"

"My mum and I are beginning to fill out my application for the Paramedic academy and I need a teacher reference do you think you could.."

"It would be my absolute pleasure to help you" he says looking up from his laptop. " and I must say I think its great that your still following your dream even with all the challenges this year has thrown at us"

I open my mouth to reply but to door bangs open and Poppy and her gang of girls walk in.

Now this particular group of girls Poppy, Ruby, Imogen, Holly and Emma hated me, Poppy was the only one who had reason to as I had punched her at the start of the year but none of the others had reason to. This had been going on since middle school and some of the things they said really bothered me

Liam takes my hand under the desk I'd told him about these girls and their 'problem' and he knew how they made me feel.

I'd usually tense up whenever they walked in but Liams touch put me at ease.

One by one the rest of the form arrived taking seats in there usual friend groups and Robbie arrived late as always.

But once we'd all arrived and taken our seats Mr Lewis began explains how today would work.

"Teachers will come to you in this room to prevent you from walking  round the school and at break and lunch times you have been assigned the field as your outside area, you will have Me for both Maths and Life Skils today and other members of staff for Biology Spanish English, Chemistry and Physics will be taough to you in other weeks to make sure your getting support in all three sciences. We have Life Skills first but before we start I've been asked to share this video from the Chicago fire Department about keeping Safe as restrictions begong to ease"

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