Chapter 23 - Unexpected

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"So Diego are you actually going to tell me why you transferred schools"

It was lunch time and I'd finally asked Diego the Question that had been on my mind all day.

"Well since I'm living with my dad full time now he thought it was best that I went to a school closer to both home and the 21st District" he explains

I nod my head, part of the reason I went to this school was because of its location, 10 minutes from home 15 from 51. But it was also the only high school in our area which was unusual as Chicago was a big City.

Our school was also fairly small with there only being 100 or so in our entire grade which made things easier for the school when allowing students to return.

"Are there any more kids like you I should be aware of?" Brooke asks

"What do you mean kids like us?" Liam replies

I laugh "Oh well Brooke thinks children of cops and Firefighters are a whole different breed"

"Well you are!" She says defensively "it's not as if you need to imagine every person's worst nightmare you guys' parents dael with it on a daily basis"

"She's not wrong" Diego says taking a drink from his water bottle.

Just then I notice several pairs of wandering eyes.

"Don't look now but there is quite a lot of girls staring at us" I say quietly.

And of course when somebody says don't look everyone else looks at what they're talking  about and sure enough today was no different and both Liam and Diego who had their backs to them turn thier heads.

I notice Liam roll his eyes as he turns back to face us.

"That was well out of order what that girl said to you today" he says squeezing my hand.

"Its fine I can handle it" I say brushing him off

"What she means is she's used to it but it still gets to her" says Brooke

"You told any teachers?" Diego asks

"Yeah but she's such a suck up no-one notices" I say pissed off

"But I don't need them I have you 3" is say in a happier tone.

"Damn right you do!" Says Diego offering his fist for a fist bump.

We all just look at him and laugh before Brooke eventually feels sorry for him and finishes the fist bump.

"You know know its kinda nice to have more than just one friend" I say jokingly

"Oi, I'm so perfect you only need one friend" say Brooke pretending to be offended "no but seriously jess your right we now look less like loners than we did before"

"I've only been physically in school for one day and I'm glad I'm friends with you guys" Liam agrees

"I second that" Diego agrees

Just then Miss Weston who was supervising us shouted and told us Lunch was over and we needed to head back to class.

Spanish actually passed without incident what with Me and Liam being the least favourite students that was kinda surprising.

We had Maths Last and for once I had made no stupid mistakes and actually understood what was going on.

I was quite lost in my work when I feel I vibration from my watch and check it to see a wattsapp from my mum.

M: Can you Diego and Liam all come to 51 after school will explain (ish) later.

I elbow Liam next to me.

"Whats up" he mutters so not to draw attention to us.

I glance at Mr Lewis before replying

"Check your phone"


"Just do it"

He pulls his phone out of his pocket and sees what I assume is a similar message to what I just got because he nudges Diego and tells him to do the same.

Diego furrows his eyebrows and looks over at me an Laim just as confused as we both were.

We spend the rest of the lesson talking in hushed voices trying to work out what is going on because it want unusual for my parents to ask me to stop via the Firehouse on the way home but the fact Intelligence was for some reason  also and 51 was very confusing.

We're still talking about it when we reach the car park when the Boys realise something

"Its all fine and well us being asked to get to 51 but we can't actually get there as my dad dropped us off this morning" Diego says scratching his head

"Well it's a good job mum lent Me her car then" I say walking over to it.

"Woah I can't believe Gabby actually let you drive" he says shoked

"I know me either" I say clambering into the car.

I drive the 15 minutes to 51 without having to stop in traffic once. I suppose the whole country being in lockdown really did reduce traffic.

We all get out of the car and walk to the front door only to be met by our parents and Sergeant Voight who I knew only by name and had never actually spoken to

"Dad what's going on?" Liam says asking the question on all of our minds.

But Voight is the one to answer

"We can't really explain but it's a very important case involving intelligence and 51 so you all need to go back to Dawson and Caseys house while we work"

"Why" I ask, even though I probably shouldn't

"Because we're going to be a while here and we think you three would prefer the company of each other and be more comfortable at home rather than here mum says"

I just nod my head while Diego now asks a question.

"Do you know how long it'll take?"

"Errr no" Antonio replys "which is why we ran home and grabbed you and Liam some things"

I then notice that backpacks both Jay and Antonio are holding which they proceed to hand over to their sons.

We say goodbye and then walk back to the car.

"I can't believe I'm going to be stuck as a third wheel" Diego says as he sits back down in the car

Liam and I look at each other and laugh  he did have a point but that was nothing to do with us.

And if I'm honest mum was right I was glad I was going to be with them rather than at home or the Firehouse on my own working about what could go wrong which I so often did when I wasn't told things.

"Right I say we head back and order Pizza on me or rather my dad's credit card" Liam says with a smirk

"Good idea" I say

It had been a long day at school amd my body had forgotten how to deal with the tiredness of it amd now I needed a distraction as I had this feeling in the pit of my stomach that something was going to go wrong.

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