Chapter 57 - A conversation With Lindsay

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At the 21st District

"Well if isn't Halstead and Casey Junior" Sergeant Platt said as we walked up to the front desk of the precinct.

"Hey Sarge good to see you" Liam smiled at her "are Voight and my mum up there we could do with talking to them"

"Yeah they are I'll take you up as there are some Detectives from.New York there too" she replied walking out from behind her desk.

We follow her up the stairs. And it's incredibly busy and crowded in the Bullpen. I'd never actually been up here before but it was quite a nice space with desks for all the team.

"Hey Lindsay you and Voight have visitors" Platt announces to the whole room.

"Hey you two" Erin says smiling at us.

Liam and I both nod at her but don't say anything. If I'm honest I was a bit uncomfortable with all the people staring at me.

I think Erin noticed our faces as she beckoned us into the break room Liam shut the door behind us before turning to look at me, after all I knew more than him about the whole situation.

"So Liam may have told you that my grandma is back in town" I say not really knowing where to start.

"Yes he has mentioned it" Erin Replies looking between the two of us "whats going on?"

"Well she earlier today she got arrested for a DUI and I..."

"Jess you know I can't pull strings and get her out" Erin says seriously.

"No I know that and quite frankly I don't give a shit what happens to her but I feel I should let you know that was arrested with her friend who my dad said goes by bunny"


I'd never seen Erin look the way she did right now. The look of anger that spread across her face showed the pure hatred she had for her mother.

"Jess what precinct are they at?" She says quietly.

"Woah hold up mum you can't just go down there and..."

"Liam I can do whatever I like to her she's not ment to be in Chicago, she's the whole reason I had to move away.

Liams Jaw dropped

"So you didn't walk out on me and dad?"

"Well it's a long story yes I did leave with out explaining myself but that's because I didn't want to hurt Jay more than I already had" she explains. "Now Jess please tell me what precinct your grandmother I at.

"Errr there's no need for that right now" I say looking through the glass door.

"Why not?" Erin questions I can tell she's pissed

"Becasue they're over there" I say pointing out the door.

And sure enough my grandma,bunny and some patrol officers had just come up the stairs.

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