Chapter 58 - What happens Next

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Liam opens the door to the break room and all three of us exit staring at our grandparents both of whom look a bit sorry for them selves.

"Detective Lindsay I believe theese belong to you" one of the patrol offices says.

"What happend" Erin says bluntly.

"Well you see Erin sweetie..." bunny begins

"Shut up I wasn't talking to you" Erin snaps

The patrol officer continues.

"Both of them were arrested about an hour ago, this one.." he indicated Nancy "was driving so Is going to be processed for a DUI, this one" he now indicates to bunny "was also obviously on drugs so we brought them both in, I rang this ones son he said he'd ring back and decide what he wanted to with his mother and this one said she knows you and Sergant Voight so we brought them both here" he finishes

"Righ OK thanks Roman" says Erin running a hand through her hair. I don't think she really knew what to do with the two grandmother's.

"Exaclty what is going on right now" says someone I don't know, he has a strong new York accent and looks like a bit of a douche bag.

"None of your business" I say coldly

"Do you know who your taking to" he says turning to face me.

"No and quite frankly I don't care, this is family business so keep you nose out"

"Woah JC that's enough, chill out" Antonio says stepping in before I start a riot

I can feel my anger boiling close to the surface and it only take one comment from Nancy to make it explode.

"Jessica calm down please there's no need to talk to the nice police officer like that"

"Shut up" I say agreesively

"I'm sorry?" She says taken aback

"Shut up, you have no right to act like a parent to me"

"I am your grandmother you will listen to me" she says firmly

I can't hold it in any longer all my resentment to wards her just comes pouring out.

"No you are not my grandmother, you've done nothing for me ever, all you ever do is show up with some sob story that convinces dad to give you another chance and then you just leave or fuck up so badly that dad kicks you out. And quite frankly I don't give a shit about you and you can rot in a jail cell for all I care. You've caused nothing but tension between my family since you've arrived and it's driving my parents apart. If you get out of this without charges don't come back to my house ever, I never want to see you again....."

I hadn't finished but a voice coming up the stairs cut me off.


It was Voight followed by a person I could only assume was in charge of the other Detectives.

I had been so focused on shouting at Nancy I hadn't noticed the tears streaming down my face.

"What the hell is going on here" Voight says looking at Me, Liam and Erin for some sort of explanation.

None of us can find the words to tell him but bunny had something to say

"Hank good to see you, how have you been"

Hank takes one look at bunny, Nancy me and Erin and changes his tone straight away.

"Erin, Liam,Jess a word in my office, Roman take thesse two to holding, I'll deal with them later.

The patrol officer leads them away as the three of us walk with Voight into his office.

Once we've sat down and shut the door Voight looks at us and shjes his head.

"Bunny's not supposed to be here" Erin said crossly.

"Don't you think I know that" Voight replies equally as cross.

"What are we ment to do now?" Liam asks

"I don't know what we're going to do with them right now but I do know that you and Jess are going home" Erin says

"What, mum come on" Liam protests.

"Liam i think she's right we can't stay here all evening we've done what we came here to do now it's out of our hands." I reply

Liam rolls his eyes but doesn't protest and we get up and walk out the office.

Leaving Hank and Erin to deal with bunny and Nancy.

The quiet buzz of conversation drops when we walk out the office and all eyes fall on us.

Antionio looks at me and I look at him, he knows what I need right now,

He gets up from his desk and comes and wraps his arms around me  he was my favourite uncle for a reason, he knew exactly what I needed and when I needed it.

"Your mum told me you and her weren't getting on with her but I didn't realise it was that bad" he said stroking my hair.

I laugh slightly.

"I might have overreacted slighly but yeah it's not nice having her around." I tell him.

"If you need a place to crash you come and stay with me, Eva and Diego." He says "and for the love of God can one of you please talk to Diego about that girlfriend of his, he won't stop going on about her, I dread to think what he'll be like after they start doing it"

Liam and I take one look at each other and burst out Laughing, he really had no idea.

"Whats so funny?" Antonio asks looking between the two of us.

"Doesn't matter" Liam says "I'll talk to him tomorrow as Jess probably has Brooke talking about the same stuff"

"Wait Brooke!" Antonio says shocked "as in Brooke your best friend"

"Yep" I say choosing now as the ideal moment to leave

"Hang on wait I haven't finished yet" Antionio yells after us as we retreat down the stairs.

Liam and I just start laughing again it wasn't much to laugh about but it did help lighten the mood slightly.

Part of me still felt angry and fed up with what Nancy had done and I couldn't do anything about it as it was my dad's decision after all.

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