Chapter 65 - Questions from 51

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I would like to mention that this story in no portrays Eddie Diaz in the way he is in the show. If you want to see his real personality I suggest you go and watch 9-1-1. :)

I would say it was annoying that I was on opposite shifts to my parents but that would be a lie.

I was able to have a bit more Indipendance being on my own more often and as Liam and I happend to be on similar shift patterns we planned to make use of an empty house.

I walked up the drive of 51 after my first shift it was nice to be back here. This place held so many memories for me it was really like a second home.

It didn't take long for me to find mum and Brett showing thier new candidate the rig.

Eddie Diaz was the name of 61s newest member and I wasn't keen on him. He was very cocky in my opinion and spent a lot of time going on about how good his marks were and how he was going to come out on top, but of course I had shut him up when I got quite a lot higher in the final exam.

Mum spotted me as I walked up to them and was immediately distracted, bombarding me with questions.

"Well then Miss, how was your first shift?, whats the team like?, and oh my god the calls how were they tell me everything."

"Woah mum calm down, the team is amazing my partner is really cool I feel like I'm going to learn a lot from him, he's also a big fan of yours......" I'm cut off by the bells going off

Truck 81, Engine 51, Ambulance 61, vehicle accident...

I stood back out of the way as the Firehouse sprung into life as the guys ran out of the building and to the rigs.

And as suddenly as they had sprung into action the noise was gone and the app floor was empty.....

Apart from the squad rig

Now seemed like a good time to go and wind Kelly up

I found him in his office looking Cross

"Hey, you ok" I ask opening the door

"Have I ever told you how much I hate paper work" he replied setting his pen down.

"Yes, more than once" I reply flopping down on his bunk.

"Make yourself at home why don't you" he replies chuckling

"Already have thanks" I reply

We smile at each other.

I love my relationship with Kelly it was like we were brother and sister

"So then Jess I want to hear all about your first shift"

"Ugh really" I say I was quite tired as T.K and I had been called out at 2am to a welfare check. It turns out the people who we were called to were just having some really rough sex and the neighbours had thought they were fighting.

"Yes, unless you'd rather go an run drills with Squad"

There was no way I was running drills at 9am so I told him all about it.

We were still talking when the rest of the Firehouse got back from their shout.

We'd long since finnished talking about shifts amd we're now talking about Kelly and Stella's wedding which was coming up in a couple of months.

We were interrupted from our in depth conversation about cake flavours by a knock at the door.

It was Diaz.

"Sorry to bother you Lieutenant but Dawson wants to know......" he trails off when he sees me and his facial expression changes to one of pure hatred

He looks between the two of us as if he's trying to get Kelly to kick me out, but Kelly picks up on it.

"She's not going anywhere candidate either spit out what ever it was you wanted to say or piss off because we're in the middle of something important"

I attempt to turn my laugh into a cough but I'm not sure it worked overly well because Diaz shoots me another death glare before continuing.

"Dawson wants to know if you've finished the form she needed?"

"You tell Dawson I'm going to shove that form up her ass if she doesn't stop going on about it" Kelly says crossly.

I laugh again I know exactly what form this is and mum has been going on about it for days.

Diaz looks very shocked about  Kelly's response as he doesn't move from the doorway.

I get up of Kellys bunk amd grab his arm dragging him behind me.

"Come on, let's go get some coffee and find Stella we need some help making all theese decisions seeing as you can't even decide on a short list of cake flavours"

I push past Diaz and drag Kelly in the direction of the common room where we find Stella sat on the sofa watching the rerun of last nights Backhawks game.

I shove Kelly in the direction of the sofa and go and pour us both some coffee.

When I sit down in one of the chairs next to the sofa Kelly looks in a much better mood and is whispering something to Stella who is also smiling.

Its amazing how being with the one you love can make you feel immediately happier.

Watching them made me want a hug from Liam. It had been a couple of days since I'd seen him and I could really do with a hug.

But I pushed that to the side of my mind for a bit and continued discussing cakes with the soon to be Severides.

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