Chapter 16 - Sparks Fly

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L: Jess you're ignoring me

J: Read 13/4/20

L:Jess please

J: Read 14/4/20

L: I'm not mad

     Just talk to me

J: Read 20m ago

L: I'm outside

What did he mean he was outside, and how did he know where I was. Shit my location was on I must be visible on snap maps.

I had told Brooke what had happened and she said I should talk to him. But I couldn't bring myself to do it. Family was so important to me and the fact I had just assumed his parents were together was bothering me.

It was a Saturday afternoon and I was at the Firehouse working on a new sketch

I had been  quite engrossed in my work all day but receiving this message from Liam had made me lose all inspiration

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I had been  quite engrossed in my work all day but receiving this message from Liam had made me lose all inspiration.

I suppose I should go and see if he was there even if I told him to fuck off.

I dragged myself out of my seat telling the few people that were there that I was going for a walk and headed out the Firehouse looking for Liam.

And sure enough there he was stood next to a car I can only assume was his or his dad's

"What do you want Liam?" I say hoping to keep this conversation short and sweet

"Your avoiding me and ignoring my meesages"


"What do you mean so, you can't avoid me forever Jess you just can't" he was getting pissed now

"What do you want me to say Liam, I embarrassed myself hurt your feelings"

"Get over it for fucks sake I couldn't give a damn what you said I've never even met my mum, so what, my dad and I are perfectly happy just the way things are anyway so pull your self together and get over it" he says crossly

"Its not that easy for me, people always assume things about my family that my  parents are never around have no time for me are going to drop dead in a fire. So I made it a rule that I would never assume things about personal life  I'd just ask or wait to be told" I explain, my eyes filling with tears.

I turn to go back into the Firehouse but he grabs my arm and pulls me back and he presses his lips onto mine.

I'm taken aback by what's going on and my body is all tense but after a few seconds I get used to his touch and it puts my body at ease and begong to kiss him back.

We kiss for a couple of minutes before I'm forced to pull away in need of air.

"Woah" is all I can say

"I know I've only known you a few weeks but I'm mad about you Jess, and I want to be with you.

I'm lost for words, overcome by feelings I didn't know I had until a few minutes ago. Or maybe I did know they were there just buried them down where they weren't wanted but now, now they were wanted.

I still don't know what to say in response to him confessing his feelings so I just kiss him again and mutter "I want to be with you too"


I head back to the Firehouse in a much better mood than I was just 20 minutes ago and it didn't go unnoticed by the gang

"She goes for a walk looking all mopey and comes back a new person" Cruz says

"Shut up, there's nothing better than a walk to clear your head and think" I tell them before sitting back down in my usual spot and plugged my headphones in put my music on shuffle and of course the first song to come up was a love song. Sparks fly to be exact

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