Return to Me 3 (Takehito Sasaya)

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Wizzy: I tried to be romantic. This is what happened. I thought about going for a lemon, but it just didn't feel right. I hope this doesn't disappoint.

Ever since the moment that we'd met, I hadn't been able to get him off of my mind.

I tried to meet with him as much as I could, but life didn't always make that easy. Some days, I didn't show, having been too busy at home. Sometimes I got caught up in other things, keeping me from being able to meet him...

It had been about three days now... three days since the last time I'd gotten to see him. As much as I hate it, I wouldn't be able to keep coming here like this... life back home was still there waiting for me... and it couldn't wait around forever...

"Why the sad face?" Takehito hummed beside me. I hated having to think about saying goodbye...

"I... I can't keep coming here..." As painful as it might be, we had to face the truth. "I... I don't want to have to leave, but there's so much that I still have to do..."

Takehito gently put his arm around my shoulder, comforting me. He didn't want to give up these little moments any more than I did. "I guess we should make the most of what time we have left, huh?"

He's far too sweet... He always had been. Takehito didn't have to save me that day. He didn't need to stay by my side until I'd woken up. He didn't have to give me his bracelet... and he certainly didn't have to keep seeing me...

Knowing that though, I still had to wonder... did he feel the same way about me that I felt about him? As much as I doubted it, a part of me couldn't help but hope that maybe, just maybe, he'd fallen for me too.

Should I take a chance? Should I go out on a limb and let him know what I feel? To be honest, thought alone is scary... but... if I didn't tell him now, something told me that I would never get another chance.

Slowly I turn to look at him, fully intent on telling him how I felt... only for the words to catch in my throat as I'm met with his eyes. Even his eyes are beautiful... and before knew it, I was leaning in and meeting his lips with my own.

He didn't seem surprised... and honestly, I wasn't either. Something here in this moment... something about the way his lips moved so perfectly in sync with my own... it just felt right.

I love him. That much I'm sure of.

Takehito pulled me onto his arms, holding me tightly... like if he let go now, I'd disappear and never be seen again. My hands press to his chest, feeling the racing of his heart as we tumble down onto the sand.

If this one moment is all that well get, then I'm going to leave it with no regrets... I'll gladly give him all of me... both my heart... and my body...

Not a single word needs to be said... Everything... every spark of emotion that we feel... it's in our kiss. It ignites a fire inside me like no other...

He pulled away, staring down at me. He's a little out of breath, but so am I. There's a question in his eyes, but he doesn't say a word. He doesn't even need to... I simply give a small nod.

My clothes are shed in mere seconds... his tail shifted into a pair of legs... Normally I would have questioned how, but now was no time for questions... this time was simply for us...

His kisses were hot on my skin... His touch was never anything but sweet... Never had I felt more alive than in that moment when we came together, our bodies joined as one.

After we'd made love, I laid there in his arms. Part of me knew that now that I'd had this little taste of him, leaving him would be so much harder...

My eyes go to my wrist, where his shells still stayed. He'd told me that if I had them, then he would always have to return to me... but if I was to go away for good, did I have any right to keep them?

As if he could read my mind, Takehitos hand came to rest on my wrist with the shells. "This doesn't have to be goodbye..."

I wanted so desperately to believe him... "But... I can't stay... it wouldn't be far to keep you waiting..."

"Then let me come with you."

I almost didn't believe my ears. "I can't ask you to do that..." How could I take him away from his home... his family?

"You don't have to." His eyes are serious as he looks down at me. "I want to stay with you... if you'll let me..."

I'd never been happier in my life to say yes.

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