Midnight Angel (Aran Ojiro)

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Wizzy: Aran is a precious angel and is too sweet to deserve the angst that I have planned for him... Originally I wanted to do Kita's before Aran, so you won't hate Kita, but I felt inspired for this one. Aran is planned to have 3 parts. If you've read Suna's part 2 though, you'll know that things will work out in the end... but you don't know everything.


How could this happen? After all this time... after everything that we'd been through... how could it all end like this?

I sniffled as I tried to wipe the tears away. It was no use though... the minute they were gone, more immediately took their place. Why, Shinsuke? Why did you have to do this to me?

Everything would have been fine... I was handling the breakup just fine... I was so sure that he'd come to his senses and we'd get back together... Then I saw him with her...

Some stupid little first year... and a human at that! What could she possibly have that I didn't? I'd been his girlfriend since our first year of middle school! I chose Inarizaki for him! I took on the role of the volleyball team's manager for him!

Footsteps started to approach from down the hall. A black, feathery wing was quick to block me from view. Aran knew that I hated to let anyone see me cry... to let anyone see me vulnerable.

They say that angels with black wings are rare. It's common that they spend much of their lives being looked down upon by the others of their kind... but ultimately, they're the kindest, most beautiful angels of all.

The footsteps stopped just in front of where we sat in the stairwell. "Had a feeling you'd be here... You saw them, huh?" While I couldn't see him, Akagi's voice was unmistakable. "I don't know what Kita's thinking... At least have the decency to wait before getting with someone... It hasn't even been two weeks..."

Aran slid a comforting arm around my shoulders. "I'm sure that he has a reason for it..."

Because we were all friends, it was only natural for Aran to want to defend Shinsuke. If it weren't me being the one hurt, I'd probably do the same thing.

Akagi let out a sigh. "Kita wouldn't cheat... but what if she was the reason he..." The kitsune trailed off, not wanting to put it into words... like if he did, that would somehow make them real.

It's a thought that's already crossed my mind. That maybe Shinsuke left me so that he could be with her... It killed me to think about it, but it was the only explanation I could see. Why he would want a human over a kitsune like me though, I couldn't even begin to guess...

"It's okay if you don't want to come to practice today. No one will blame you." Akagi's words were directed at me this time. It's the truth, of course. The team would be sympathetic about the situation... they all knew.

I gave a weak sniffle. "I'll be there... it's my job." Even if I was hurting, I could never take it out on the rest of the team. It wouldn't be fair to them...

After Akagi has left us and we were alone in the stairwell, Aran lowered his wing, hiding it away once more. Most nonhumans like us always hid their true forms; it was the only way that we could feel safe. Sometimes though, we'd let it show around those we trusted.

Aran didn't remove his arm. "You don't have to force yourself for our sakes... We know what he meant to you..." I know that you were going to be mates, was what he really wanted to say, but if he held the words back for my sake or his own, I couldn't tell you. "If you don't want to face him yet, we understand."

Always such a sweetheart... When the day finally came that he got a girlfriend, she was going to be one lucky woman.

I wiped my eyes once more. "I know... but I have to..."

All Aran can do is give my shoulder a reassuring squeeze. "It's going to be alright... maybe not now, but it will all get better..."

For now, all I can do is trust him.

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