We'll Find a Way 2 (Takanobu Aone)

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Never in my life have I ever doubted a promise made by Aone. If he said he was going to do something, he would do it.

When he'd said that we would find a way to be free again, I didn't doubt it for even a second. Maybe I didn't know how, but I knew that he would make it happen.

Now here I am, stepping into the halls of a school for the first time in years. While that time with the Collectors was like hell, this was much more terrifying. They were an evil I knew... this was completely unknown to me.

It felt everyone was staring at me... and for the first time, I don't have Aone here to shield me. Can they all tell that I'm not like them?

One male decides to be bold and approach me. His scent immediately gives him away... he's an incubus. After the things I've seen and been through, I don't even let myself even consider that his intentions might be pure.

"You're new," he hummed, getting much too close for my comfort. He leaned in a bit closer. "Cute too."

If I were transformed, my fur would be standing on end. I try to take a step back, only to find that I'm really close to the wall. I don't trust him... so I don't look at his face... instead I keep a close eye on his hands. For now, his hands are in the pockets of the jacket he wears.

"No need to be so prickly." The stranger pulled his hand from his pocket and reached towards me.

Before I have any chance who react though, someone else grabs it by the wrist. One look at my savior's hand and my face brightens. Immediately I look up at him.


I freeze when the other male speaks my friend's name as I do. Slowly the incubus looks at me in confusion.

The brunette stares at me a moment. "Wait, are you that little werecat he talks about?"

Aone... talks about me? I look at Aone for some sort of confirmation... or maybe even denial. The only answer I get is just the slightest smile.

"I'm Futakuchi. Sorry for scaring you. Didn't know you were Aone's girl." The brunette gives me a friendly grin. He's definitely less intimidating this way.

I give him my name in return, but there's something about what he said that doesn't exactly sit right. "What do you mean 'Aone's girl'?"

Futakuchi looked at me like I just sprouted wings or something. "You're his girlfriend, aren't you?" I shook my head. "Seriously? But he's always saying he-"

Whatever he was about to say was cut off by Aone placing his hand over the incubus's face. Was it really that bad? If Aone was stopping him though, I knew it had to be for a reason and I'll just trust him.

It takes a minute, but eventually the brunette pries the werewolf's hand off his face. "Have you seriously not told her?" The only answer he gets is a look from Aone that makes him sigh. "Fine, fine... but if you wait too long, someone else will snatch her from you."

Aone paid no mind to his friend's words and simply smiled at me. Always the quiet one... but I wouldn't want him to be anything different than he was.

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