Got You (Tetsuro Kuroo)

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The library was dead silent. It was almost scary, but when you considered that there were only three people, it made sense for it to be quiet. One of those three was the librarian who sat in the corner, too absorbed in her book to even notice anything was going on.

One student sat at one of the tables. Scattered around her were several books. She was busily writing in a notebook book, or so she seemed.

The third... no one seemed to notice his presence. He slipped in silently. This boy was a third year and a kitsune, a fox spirit. And much like a fox, he was quite mischievous and sly. Shifted from human to fox form, he crept up behind the girl studying at the table. This time for sure, he would get her.

I continued to write in my notebook. It was nice to finally have some quiet without Kuroo hanging around. He seemed to have taken a liking to annoying me, though I couldn't begin to guess why. Maybe that idiotic third year has a ridiculous crush on me... okay I can't even think that with a straight face. It's just impossible.

Slowly, Kuroo crept closer to his target. He didn't make a single sound. He barely even breathed out of fear that it would give him away. Just a few steps from his precious target, he crouched down, prepared to pounce.

"Don't even think about it," I threatened, not even bothering to turn around. Me: 1, Kuroo: 0. So much for my quiet time... I swear this kitsune is trying to drive me away. Or at the very least drive me crazy.

A low growl escaped him as he shifted back into human form and sat down on my table. Not on a chair at the table, literally on the table. He even pushed a few of my books out of the way. "Are you ever surprised by anything? Even just a bit?" he muttered, mostly to himself.

"Nope." Actually, some things did surprise me from time to time, but it rarely happened. Being a 'monster expert' as many called it, I found that very few things were capable of surprising me anymore. And this handsome kitsune was determined to find even just one of those things.

For a while, he just quietly stared down at me. It made it very difficult to keep working, but I managed to do it. Eventually, I finished my work. But before I could get everything picked up, Kuroo decided to make his next move.

In one quick motion, he grabbed my arm and pulled me up out of my chair into his arms. I really should have been expecting something like this from someone like him, but when his mouth pressed roughly against mine, he'd caught me completely off guard. Me: 1, Kuroo: 1.

It happened so fast that I didn't know how to react. I couldn't react. I knew that I should have pushed him away, but I couldn't move. His lips moved gently against mine, but I didn't kiss him back. Honestly, I don't think I really processed what was going on until he'd already pulled away and let me fall back into my seat.

All I could do was sit and stare at him. Yeah, he'd surprised me with that one. My mouth hanging right now probably wasn't helping to hide that fact either.

Unsurprisingly, he smirked at me. "Finally I got you," he teased and I immediately punched him in the shoulder.

"Don't get too arrogant, Foxy," I hissed, putting all my books in a neat pile. Me: 2, Kuroo: 1.

"Oh? You think I'm foxy?" he smirked at me, earning him another punch. Me: 2, Kuroo: 2. "You're pretty cute sometimes, you know? Such a little tsundere..." Bet you can guess what that one got him. Me: 3, Kuroo: 2.

Sometimes, this fox really gets on my nerves. Though I guess he's not all that bad. Maybe a serious pain in the ass, but I won't lie, those looks of his certainly make up for it.

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