Fierce 2 (Eita Semi)

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Wizzy: Clean version. This is a long one...

"You know, graduation is in two weeks..." Ayame tilted her head at me as she spoke. "I still can't believe you've gone all this time without having a boyfriend... Like seriously, you've got half the guys in our year interested and you won't even so much as look at them."

She's not lying, I know. I've lost count of how many guys have confessed to me over the past three years... and yet, Not one of them had ever been able to catch my eye. No one has... well, almost no one. "I just haven't been interested in anyone..."

"Yeah, yeah..." Ayame frowned at me. "You're hung up on that guy you met when you were seven... You really need to let that go, you know? Even if he really was real, he'd be old by now."

As much as I hate to admit it, she's right. It's really stupid to be so focused on some guy that I've only ever met once... especially when I know that he was a decent bit older than I was. "A girl can dream..."

"You're only hurting yourself..."

Two weeks left... I sighed as I wandered. Ayame's words keep coming to mind lately. She's brought it up countless times over the years and honestly, I'm starting to think that maybe I really should just give up on my mystery guy.

My grades are some of the highest in my year... I'm head of the student council... and my looks are more than enough to catch the eye of pretty much any guy I want... and yet here I am, stuck on some guy I met just once when I was a child. Because of him, I've never even so much as considered anyone else.

Things had been especially stressful lately because of that... so I figured a nice long walk would be enough to clear my head. Naturally, I don't pay a lot of attention to where it is that I'm going... Maybe that's how I ended up near the very same woods that I'd gotten lost in as a child.

It's purely on a whim that I step into them. I've always stayed away ever since I'd gotten lost, scared that if I got lost again that no one would be there to save me.

When I find myself at that very same cave, I know for sure that meeting him before was no dream. Of course, that doesn't mean that I'll see him again... and even if I did see him again, who's to say he wasn't already married and had kids?

Eleven years is a long time... even if he was only fifteen back then, that'd make him twenty-six by now... That's more than old enough to have met someone and married... And if by some miracle he was single, what reason do I have to think he'd ever be interested in me?

I'm wasting my time, waiting around like this... but what exactly am I supposed to do? As I sigh, I fiddle with the edge of my skirt. It's probably stupid to be all the way out here while still in my school uniform too.

"You know, you shouldn't be out here all alone," a voice said from behind me, making me spin around to face him. "A wolf might come along and eat you right up."

Standing there, a grin on his face, was none other than my mysterious rescuer from eleven years ago. He's still got that same hair with darker tips, only it's longer now. His eyes are still every bit as fierce as I remember... but the effect he has on me now is definitely not the same as back then.

One look at him and my heart flutters. This. This right here. This is why I never dared to give anyone else a chance... because no one else has made me feel this way.

He laughed softly. "Don't tell me, you ran away again?"

"In a way, I guess you could call it that..." A smile spread across my face. He remembered me... just to know that made my heart soar. I guess not many people ever came out here. "Escaping the stresses of the last days of high school before having to face the terrors of adulthood... Can you really blame me for wanting to run away?"

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