Cheer You On (Taichi Kawanishi)

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"I thought vampires die in the sunlight."

At the sound of a guy's voice, I glanced up, not stopping my stretching. Taichi Kawanishi, 2nd year, member of the volleyball team. Knowing him, as well every other member of each of the sports teams was kind of necessary.

I stood up straight, turning to look at him. "Sorry to disappoint, but it doesn't really work like that." Being that he was a werewolf though, I couldn't expect him to know that much about vampires like me.

"Even so... sunlight isn't good for you..." He looked me over slowly, arms crosses as leaned against the gym doorway. "So what are you doing out here anyway?"

"Practicing." I took the time to do a handstand, holding as long as I was able.

I heard him laugh at me. "What are you, some kind of cheerleader?"


"Why aren't you with the rest of the club then?"

"Because the captain's a bitch." Okay, now that may sound harsh, but we really, really, really did not get along. "She's had it out for me ever since her boyfriend left her for me back in middle school. I rejected him of course. I wasn't about to date some older guy and certainly not one who left his girlfriend that easily."

Carefully I lowered myself back to the ground. Kawanishi was staring at me, but that really didn't bother me in the slightest. Being a cheerleader, you get used to people looking at you.

"So you just practice out here by yourself instead?"

"Better than being pushed around by a jealous bitch." Cheerleading was something I took seriously, so I wasn't going to quit it. That was why I did my practicing outside in the sun. If I could keep going even when weakened by the sun, then I could keep up in any other scenario. "I'm just waiting until the year is over and she's out of here. Then I'll join them properly. Until then, I'm gonna fly solo."

He grinned. "That's too bad. I think I'd be more excited to play if you were there to cheer me on."

"But I do though. I never miss a match. I may not get to be in uniform, but I'm always there to cheer you on."

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