Fierce 3 (Eita Semi)

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Wizzy: I love SemiSemi. SemiSemi has some BDE here... Big Dragon Energy. Lol. Wizzy is not sorry XD

"So you haven't seen or heard from him since then?"


"Like at all?"

"No, Ayame." I sighed as I threw the very last thing into my bag. Last day here... it's kind of sad to think about it. I take one last glance around my dorm room. "I honestly don't expect I will hear from him. It's not like we exchanged numbers... and he didn't tell me any place where I might find him..."

Ayame shook her head at me as we left the room. "You didn't even say 'hey, you can find me here if you want to' and give him some place, did you?"

"Ayame, I'm pretty sure that for him, it was just a hookup. Practically said so himself..." As sad as it sounded, I felt rather content with how things were.

"You should have at least asked if you could see him again..." Ayame scowled at me as we headed towards the front gates of the academy.

All I could do was shake my head. Just getting to see him that once was miracle enough... I couldn't push my luck and ask for anything more.

A figure joins us. Kimura still hasn't given up yet. Honestly, it's a bit unfair for me to not even give him a chance, but when my heart was so set on someone else... that would be even more unfair...

Kimura chats with us, talking about his plans now that we're finally finished with high school. Apparently he had already been accepted into some university in Tokyo and was planning to keep on playing volleyball even through college. Not that I really care though. My mind was on something else.

As we got closer to the front gate, a crowd came into sight. Mostly they were girls from the school... mainly third years, but a handful of first and second years. You could tell the difference because the third years weren't in their uniforms. Wasn't any reason to be.

Somewhere near the middle, I spotted a male with ashy grey hair.

"Oh damn, he's hot." Ayame was already staring at him. "No wonder they're swarming like piranhas."

I tried not to roll my eyes at her. Still, it can't hurt to look. As I look over the heads of the girls, I catch his eyes looking my way.

He smirks at me before making his way past the girls blocking the way between us. "Was starting to think I'd missed you." Beside me though, I notice Kimura tense and put his arm over my shoulder.

Semi, once he'd reached us, scowled at the male. He gives a low growl and I can feel Kimura flinch and remove his arm. "Go find someone else, pup."

I don't think I've seen that kind of a look in Semi's eyes. I've seen him get angry, but this isn't quite the same. That look gives me the feeling that he actually would hurt Kimura, whereas before, I could tell that he wouldn't hurt me.

Kimura is intimidated by the male in front of him, even if Kimura is taller. "I'm not going to let you just come in and-" His voice dies as Semi takes a step towards him.

"You think she'd choose a little werewolf like you, over someone like me?" Semi makes a point of looking the male up and down. "She's already let me have my way with her... you still think you're any threat to me?"

Something tells me that this could get violent. "Eita." Semi's attention snapped to me as I said his name. His expression softened almost instantly. "What are you doing here?"

"I wanted to see you." Bold of him to admit, but at least he was honest about it. "Been doing some thinking..." He shot a brief glare at Kimura. "I've got this place in Tokyo... it's got this really nice university nearby... so I was thinking... maybe if you don't already have your heart set on somewhere else... that maybe you'd like to stay with me?"

It's really sudden and really, we barely know anything about each other. Not to mention that there's a bit of an age gap... that will be a rough one to have to explain to my parents... but...

"I'd love to."

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