Embarassed 2 (Rintaro Suna)

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Wizzy: Wasn't gonna do a part 2 for Suna, but then I had an idea. Takes place immediately after Akagi's part 2, which is roughly 4 years after Suna's part 1.
For anyone wondering, I am planning to do part 2s for several of the early stories in this collection that I wasn't originally going to. (Makki, Mattsun, Iwa-chan, probably Kuroo...) I really just haven't gotten to them yet. Also, you get a brief peek at Kita and Aran here. I have their parts somewhere in the works.
Also, if there is a character you want a story for that I haven't already done, better say it soon! (All characters are valid, as long as they don't have a canon pairing. Timeskip characters are also welcome.)


When I fell for Suna, I wanted to embrace more of the kitsune culture. A lot of it was simple, but some things I was sure that I would never understand.

Like why was it that male kitsune could fool around with anyone they wanted, no matter what they were? As long as they only knotted their mate, it was fine. But what about the female kitsune? They never mated outside of their kind.

Suna told it was because of the knots. That unless they got knotted, it wasn't official. If the male wasn't a kitsune, then there was no knotting... so at best, they'd be "unofficial mates."

While we waited for the newly mated couple to arrive to the party, Suna quickly pointed out his high school teammates. The first he spoke of, was Aran. Aran wasn't a kitsune, but rather he was an angel. The girl with him, Suna told me, was his unofficial mate. The kitsune girl was lovely... but it was sad to think that other kitsune would never actually think of her lover as her proper mate. She didn't seem to care though.

The next one was Kita, his former team captain. He was quite the handsome fellow and definitely played the part of a loving mate. The man was never far from his woman, constantly making sure that she was alright. When I got a view of her from the side, it was clear why... she was pregnant. Probably only just starting to really show, too.

Thirdly, Suna pointed out Osamu. He was one half of the famous Miya twins; the one that gave up volleyball after high school and currently owns a rather successful restaurant. His mate was another pretty human girl. They were also the only two that were married as well as being officially mated. Suna noted that it was odd for a kitsune to marry, but Osamu had always been a bit odd anyway.

Fourth was Atsumu, a gorgeous blonde... and the very same kitsune that my coworker had been gushing over. He tended to prefer his fox form and stayed in it even now. The male was seated in his mate's lap, gently nuzzling the two newborn kits in his human mate's arms.

Watching Atsumu with them, I couldn't help but imagine what it would be like to have little ones of my own. Would Suna be a good father like Atsumu seemed to be? As hard as I tried, I couldn't picture the two of us being like Atsumu and his mate.

Maybe that had something to do with the fact that Suna and I... weren't actually mated... yet. Yes, we intended to, without a doubt... but... every time that we came close, I'd get scared and back out. It wasn't that I didn't want to... I was just scared.

All these other girls... they didn't have this problem. Each of them accepted their mate without hesitation. Osamu's mate didn't even bat an eye when telling me about it prior to the ceremony, when I'd asked if she'd been nervous about her first time with her mate. They'd been set up by Atsumu and ended up a perfect match. After a homemade dinner and a massage, it was only natural that sparks flew.

Atsumu's mate told a different story. The kitsune had been eagerly trying to get her, but she ended up making him wait several years for her. The minute that she admitted to sharing his feelings, they were already tumbling into bed together.

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