My Puppy 2 (Sou Inuoka)

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Just as I was starting to lift the box, it was pulled out of my hands. "Sou, I'm perfectly capable of moving boxes too," I whined, crossing my arms as he took the box from me.

My boyfriend shook his head. "You're not supposed to be lifting things... Besides, it's only a few more."

Only a few more, he says... the car was still half full of boxes. It wasn't like we had anyone to help out either... everyone was either busy or too far away. No, we were on our own with moving into our new home.

Sou just smiled at me. "Why don't you go ahead and start getting things put away inside?" It's an attempt at giving me a way to help that meant that I didn't have to lift anything... and honestly I can't argue with him on it... pregnant women aren't supposed to be lifting heavy things.

Sighing, I went inside. The house is rather small, having only two bedrooms, but it's enough for the three of us. After he found out I was pregnant, Sou suggested that we move in together... and unfortunately, neither of our places were big enough for a couple and a baby.

We'd started looking at places right away, but to find a place that worked for both of us was more of a challenge than we had expected. Honestly, we had been about to give up when we found this place.

This house was the perfect fit for us. It was in a nice neighborhood, close to Sou's work and just the right size for the three of us. It wasn't near my job, but I'd wanted to find a different one anyway, so it worked out just fine.

Another point that made this place perfect was a rather simple one. While it might sound stupid to say it was the doorknobs, for Sou it was something rather helpful. Seeing as he transformed at night without any way of controlling it, I did want him to end up stuck somewhere in case the doors had to be closed. All the doors in this house had knobs that Sou would be able to use with a simple pull from his paw.

Of course, I've only recently found out that he's a werewolf... and to be honest, I know next to nothing about werewolves.

Ignoring the boxes that I could be going through, I instead pulled out my phone, doing a quick search online. Among the first things to come up was a site that said it was for anyone with a werewolf for a boyfriend. It's a very unusual concept, but right away you can tell the regular users are rather good friends.

As I scroll through, I learn a bit about some of the more active members. Like how three of the girls were pregnant at roughly the same time and now their little ones were around two years old. There was also the fact that two of those three were humans like me.

Digging further, I found some articles written by one of the founders of the group, a woman by the name of Yamagata who was currently a human mother of two half-werewolf children and currently expecting a third. Her oldest was around eight, having been born sometime after the group was created.

The articles turned out to be very helpful... detailing how her pregnancy had gone and following the raising of her half-wolf child. Until that point, I hadn't really realized how nervous I felt about the whole thing... but really, it sounded like raising a werewolf wasn't any different than raising a human child. Aside from a few, minor differences, of course.

As I kept reading, I easily lost track of the time. It's not until I feel Sou's arms wrap around me that I even come back to reality. "What are you looking at?" he hummed, arms resting gently on top of my large belly.

"There's this group made up of people who have werewolf boyfriends," I explained, showing him what I'd found. "I really don't know much about werewolves, so I was curious... A few of the girls here are humans and have kids who are half-werewolf... One of them wrote all about everything she went through with the pregnancy and with raising her son..."

Sou gave my cheek a nuzzle. "That's pretty neat..."

"Apparently she got pregnant when she was still in high school... and before the baby was born, she married her high school sweetheart... They're still together too and expecting their third kid. Isn't that amazing?"

I found the story to be rather romantic. Things with Sou weren't as perfect as that was... though I couldn't say that there was anything that I would want to change.

He didn't give any response to that and instead buried his face in my neck. "Sou?" He didn't say anything but gently ran his hand over my stomach. "Hey... are you okay?"

Sou's arms tightened around me, but he was careful not to grip too tightly. I opened my mouth to ask him again, but he bear me to it. "Marry me."

I blinked a few times in confusion. Did he really just say what I thought he said? "Sou?"

His head raised up just slightly. "I've been thinking about it for a while now... and I was going to ask after I told you that I was a werewolf... but then I found out about the baby..." He paused a moment, gathering his words carefully. "I didn't want you to think that I was only doing it because of that... so I was going to wait... but I don't want to wait anymore."

His grip on me loosened enough for me to turn around and face him. I don't think I've ever seen him look so nervous... It's enough to melt anyone's heart, I'm sure.

Sou rested his forehead against mine, the tip of his nose just barely touching my own. "You will... won't you?"

"Of course I will."

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