Chances 2 (Alisa Haiba)

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Wizzy: Okay, so sort of a direct continuation of the first. They happen in the same day.

I'd be lying if I said that I didn't want to talk to her. I mean, even though I'd really only known her for just that one day, I'd fallen for her during my years with the Collectors. That was eight years I'd been there, and while there was a certain little kitsune I'd screwed around with from time to time back then, no one had quite managed to steal my heart like Alisa.

But as much I wanted to, I couldn't talk to her. The best that I could do was watch over her from a distance, much like I was right now.

The volleyball match was over, though I didn't pay attention to who had won. No, my full focus was on her. I stood back and watched as she separated from her group. Even though I had no idea where she was going or why, I kept an eye on her. And it was good that I did since some guy decided to hit on her.

She appeared to have rejected him and turned away, but either he didn't get the message or he was just pushy. The guy reached out and grabbed her arm. As quick as a flash of lightning, I was there, tearing his arm off of her.

"Don't touch her," I growled, glaring at him. Hopefully, he'd know better than to mess with me. I mean, as handsome as I could have been, all the scars I had from my eight years with the collectors were more than enough to scare people off. Not to mention the chunk missing out of my left ear.

That guy couldn't get away fast enough.

Slowly I looked over my shoulder at Alisa. She's staring at me and I knew she was going to say something, but I wasn't going to let her. "You alright?" I tried to muster up a gentle voice, but no matter how hard I tried, it still sounded rough and maybe even a bit like some yakuza or delinquent.

Alisa nodded and opened her mouth to speak, but before even a word could come out, someone had called out to her and now we were joined by several others. One was her brother and the rest appeared to be teammates or friends of his.

Her brother didn't seem happy to see me. In fact, he seemed to assume that I'd been bothering his sister. Obviously, he didn't recognize me or even see what had happened only moments ago. He was too young to have really remembered me anyway. He'd grown up quite well though.

Not wanting to deal with explanations, I simply smiled at Alisa. It wasn't in our fates for us to be together; I'd already accepted that. "You've gotten even more beautiful, Alisa." My heart hurt as I spoke. This would be the only time I dared to speak to her, of that I was sure. "Keep looking after Lyovochka."

And with that I walked away, giving only a small wave to say my goodbye.

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