Love Me For Me (Michinari Akagi)

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Wizzy: This ended up being way longer than I planned. But hey, we have a bit more of the kitsune lore! Also for context, Akagi is supposed to be about 27 here. Also for you fans of Atsumu who may not be reading my other Haikyu one-shot book, there is an unofficial part 4 for Atsumu over there. I would have posted it in here, but then I would have to open up the possibility for all characters to have a 4th part and that would just be Kunimi and Oikawa all over again... Anyway! Remember that votes and comments are always appreciated! I love to see what you guys think.


"Remember, be on your absolute best behavior." My mother adjusted my clothes for what was probably the millionth time in the past hour. "This is our last chance... you mustn't do anything that might scare him off. Do whatever he asks of you... Don't talk back... Speak only as much as necessary to charm him and when you do speak, speak softly. Kitsune ears are very sensitive."

For the past 3 hours, she'd been preparing me for this "date." To call it that was a bit of a stretch... I didn't know anything about this guy other than the fact that he was a kitsune around my age and his name was Akagi. Wasn't even told if that was a first or a last name. Didn't even know what he looked like either...

Still, Mother was right that this was our last chance... if I failed to be a match with this mystery kitsune, she'd make me marry that guy from that shrine in Aomori. I'd never really met him either, but I knew enough to know I would never love him....

"Remember to use proper manners and act like a lady." Mother continued on, explaining how to and how not to act around my potential kitsune suitor while she went about doing my just right.

Everything had to be just right... and I had not a single say in the matter. My feelings meant nothing, it seemed. As long as my mother got to have her kitsune grandchildren, what did my happiness matter? All I can do is give a simple, "Yes, Mother."

When all the preparation was done and I stood waiting for him to arrive, my mind wandered to unpleasant thoughts. What if I mess up? Or what if I say something that offends him? Or if I'm not pretty enough for him? Or what if I do impress him? What if he's a horrible man? I don't know anything about him... What if I don't like him at all? Would I still be forced to be with him anyway if he liked me?

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. Freaking out wasn't going to help anything. Maybe I would be lucky and he'd be a nice guy... I can't just immediately assume the worst. It couldn't possibly be as horrible as I feared.

The initial meeting with Akagi went well. He turned out to be quite handsome and seemed to be nice enough. Granted, he was probably only trying to impress my mother and make her more likely to approve of him as my potential future husband. Or I suppose it would be "mate" since kitsune didn't usually "marry" like humans do.

Kitsune would usually mate for life. While they might date around a bit in their younger years, they'd ultimately choose one special someone to be their mate... the one they'll start a family with and treasure for the rest of their life. Most kitsune will only ever sleep with their mate. Some are a bit looser, sleeping around a little, but never knotting anyone but their mate.

Mother had given me quite the lecture on that matter... It was a breeding mechanism, really... a way to help increase the chances that children would be produced without the need for numerous attempts. Even knowing that though, I knew some humans were fond of such a thing. It was something I simply didn't understand yet though.

Because there was a festival going on in the town close to the shrine, my mother insisted on using it as our "date." I'd never gotten to go any other year... or to any sort of festival at all, so I couldn't complain. Honestly... I was never even allowed to leave the shrine, so having a chance to somewhere new was kind of exciting.

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