Partners (Kazuhito Narita)

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I drove my stake into the creature's heart and smiled at my accomplishment. Well, technically it was only a practice dummy, but I still felt proud that as of today, I could finally go out and start actually doing something.

For almost a year now, I'd been training to be a vampire slayer. My trainer? None other than the prefecture's top hunter. Okay, so maybe the reason for that was because she was the only slayer that attended Karasuno High School, but it was still awesome having the top dog for your own personal teacher.

Of course, now that I was allowed to actually start killing those filthy bloodsuckers, I was informed of certain ones to avoid and certain ones that I simply wasn't allowed to kill.

One of these was a classmate of mine named Yamaguchi. He was feared thanks to the fact that he is the only vampire that had ever bitten or overpowered my trainer. Though I find it weird that the two are actually dating now. He's safe only because of that single fact.

Another was another classmate of mine. Tsukishima was by no means harmless. If necessary, he could be extremely vicious and dangerous. Taking down a vamp like him was way beyond my current skill level. I also suspected that he was off-limits because he was close to Yamaguchi.

Outside of those two, there was no one else that was specifically mentioned. Maybe that was simply because those were the only two vampires we knew of in Karasuno. But anyway, if they weren't a threat to the public, then they were to be left alone. It's an annoying rule, but I had to follow it if I wanted to be a part of this group.

I ducked behind a tree as I followed him. After about a week of being free, I'd finally found a vampire to take down. For the past hour now, I'd been sneaking around and following him, waiting just the right moment to attack.

He was much bigger than me, so if I wasn't careful this could end very badly. But I'd been trained for this, so what could possibly go wrong?

Soon I followed him to a small clearing. That was where he stopped and I decided this was the right time to make my move. He hadn't seemed to have noticed me yet, so I quickly rushed forward and attacked.

I remembered everything that my teacher had taught me about fighting against a larger opponent and put every bit of it to use now. The battle lasted barely a minute. Guess who the winner was?

I struggled helplessly against his grip. It was clear now that I had been overconfident in my abilities. Too bad I hadn't realized it sooner or else I might have survived this encounter. Now I was going to die. All I could do now was close my eyes and wait for it all to be over.

But nothing happened. Opening my eyes, I saw a familiar-looking face staring back at me. It was clearly the same person I'd been hunting, but now that I finally got a closer look, I swore that I'd seen him before.

"Why were you following me?" the familiar stranger asked, calmly staring down at me. So he had noticed me after all... Well, guess that means back to the novice training, which I really hated. "Do you have a problem with elves or is it just the halves?"

... he just said elf, didn't he? How did I manage to confuse those two? Elves and vampires were way different; the only thing that was similar was their human-like appearance. "You're..." I closed my eyes a second and growled in frustration with myself. "Stupid idiot... How did I manage to screw this up? Some hunter I am... she'll be so pissed when she hears about this..."

The next thing I knew, I was released and now sat facing him. "You're talking about Yamaguchi's girlfriend, the vampire slayer, right?" All I could do was stare. The only way he could possibly know that was if he stalked me... or went to Karasuno. Wait, Karasuno! That's where I've seen him! He's one of the second years on the boys' volleyball team. I really screwed up this time...

It was obvious that he already knew who I was, but I couldn't seem to remember what his name was. I was certain it started with a D. For some reason I really want to say Dorito. It's at least close to that, but I didn't want to say it out loud, just in case I was wrong. Wouldn't want to insult my senpai; not after trying to kill him because I mistook him for a vampire when he was really a half-elf. "You're going to tell her about this, aren't you?" I let out a sigh of defeat. There was no reason that he wouldn't. It was actually what he should do.

He gave me a sympathetic look. "I don't have to say anything about it," Dorito said, catching my attention and making me hope that he really wouldn't mention it. Slowly he looked me over. "You help me and then I swear I'll never mention this."

"What do you need me to do?" I had every intention of accepting whatever task he was about to ask of me. My teacher finding out about this was something I desperately wanted to avoid.

Norito was quiet a minute before answering. Wait, Norito? No, it was Narito... no... Narita! It was Narita! "Are you a virgin?" I nearly fainted at such a question. He wasn't going to make me do something... inappropriate... was he?

As I backed away slightly, Narita shook his head. "It's nothing like that at all. You see, I'm a witch hunter and there's a particular one that I'm trying to take down. She's got a really nasty spell she's working on and it requires the blood of a virgin maiden."

I was incredibly tempted to ask how he knew those details, but I figured that it was simply part of his job. Besides, I was a little more concerned about what he wanted me to do.

"You're a vampire slayer, or training to be one, so it'd be better if I could use you to lure her out." Narita's eyes locked with mine. "If it helps, she has a vampire working for her. It'd give you a chance to redeem yourself for today's little slip-up."

He'd said all he needed to. It was clear from the look in my eyes. "Partners?" he asked, extending his hand out to me.

I put my hand in his, shaking it. "Partners." We'd only meant for it to be just that one time, but little did we know, that was merely the beginning of our partnership, as well a very powerful friendship.

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