Stars (Tsutomu Goshiki)

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"What are you doing?"

A face came into my view, staring curiously down at me. "Hey Tsutomu. It's a little early for you to be out of practice, isn't it?"

Goshiki, my best friend since... well, as long as I can remember. It's been so long that I don't even remember how we even met. Couldn't even tell you how old we were then.

"Tendo said someone was just sprawled out on the ground out here and wasn't sure if you were even alive," he said, the tiniest hint of a frown on his face. "I saw it was you, so I had to see if you were actually okay."

I lifted my head just enough to see the redheaded third year leaning against the gym doorway. Tendo gave a wave, so I waved back. "I'm just gonna starfish until you get out of practice."

"Starfish?" I gave my arms and legs a slight wiggle, pointing out how I was currently laying on the ground, limbs spread out just like a starfish. "You're such a weirdo..."

"But that's why you love me."

He chuckled lightly. "Maybe I should rethink that choice."

Tsutomu Goshiki... my best friend all my life... I've come to realize that I'm in love with him, but it's not like that matters. I'm forever stuck in the friendzone. Not that he actually knows that... I'll probably never tell him how I feel.

"You should get back to practice before you get yelled at."

Goshiki flinched just a little. From what I knew, the coach was always a little bit harder on him than the others. "I don't want to be yelled at again..." He turned to head back in, but stopped to glance back at me. "You know, Tendo also said he could see up your skirt. You should probably at least close your legs..."

"But then it's not starfish if I do that. Besides, it's not like I care if he can see." Goshiki seemed a bit more bothered by it than I was. Not like it mattered. It was my underwear, not his, after all.

He didn't bother to argue it and just went back to practice. After so many years together, he knew better. Besides, it's not he was my boyfriend or anything. I know he's not jealous or anything either.

Slowly I turn my gaze back to the sky. There are some clouds that look kind of like a pawprint and it makes me think of him. Goshiki... he admires Ushijima more than anyone else... and I suppose that it's fair that he wanted to be just like the ace.

He wants so very much to be the team's ace... and probably the school's alpha too. I can't fault him for that. He's a werewolf... it's instinct for him to want to be strong. Maybe that's why I can't bring myself to even try to talk him out of wanting another werewolf for a girlfriend. Ushijima's girlfriend is a werewolf so why shouldn't Goshiki's be too?

As much as I'd love to be his girl, I know it's out of my reach... just like those clouds up in the sky... and the stars that are even beyond that... Even so, I'll never let that stop me from dreaming. I'm gonna stay right here and support him however he needs... no matter what I feel. Because I love him, I'll do whatever I have to in order to help him be happy.

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