Spirit (Kaname Moniwa)

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Wizzy: Moniwa will be about 19 in this one.

No one dares to fight back. They all cower in fear and do as the Collectors tell them.

We're all lined up, awaiting the fates that we're to be given. Some of us are newly caught, while some appear to have been here for some time before our arrival. We range in age from young children to a few adults. The youngest is just a little girl, seven years old at most. She stands to my right.

One Collector works his way down the line, asking only a couple questions. He asks for a name, what creature you are, your age and if you're above a certain age, I've heard him ask if they're a virgin.

As he stops in front of the little girl next to me, she immediately tries to hide behind me. She's scared, as we all are. He demands her name and she barely whispers it; I'm only able to catch "Tenri." He repeats the question and once it's answered, he proceeds with the rest. Tenri is only six years old and a nymph. Not exactly an uncommon creature, though not one that the Collectors often get a hold of.

He looks her over and writes something on his clipboard. "Block," he called out, loud and clear. I'd managed to pick up on the meaning of that one: they were going to sell that sweet little girl off to whatever sick bastard paid the most for her. No way in hell was I just going to let that happen.

When she doesn't go over to where he had said, he reached out to grab her. I didn't let him; I slapped his hand away. There's a chorus of gasps as all eyes settled on me. "Don't touch her," I growled, glaring at him.

He doesn't seem fazed by it. Why would he? There's a gun in plain sight strapped to his belt. All of the Collectors have them. It's not much of a struggle before the girl is forcibly taken away from me and set with the rest who will be going to the Block.

"Name?" the man demands. Now it's my turn.

"Bite me."

"Name?" he repeated, losing his patience quite quickly.

I had no intentions of just doing what I was told, like everyone else. It's ironic really, since I was usually the quiet one who did what she was told. "Drop dead you sick so of a-"

My words are cut off by a loud smack and it takes me a moment to realize that he'd just slapped me. But I have no intentions of giving up. When he repeated the question again, I opened my mouth to throw another insult at him, but I never got to use it.

He grabbed me by the hair and glared down at me. His eyes stare for what feels like an eternity, but also only like a mere second. I'm thrown off to the side, where I'm caught by one of those who had been here before my arrival. He's a part of the "Hold" group, which I assume meant that they were going to keep us a bit before deciding our fate.

"It's easier if you don't fight back," a voice whispers to me, the voice of the one who'd caught me.

"If you just give up, then it's no different than being dead."

As I stand, I watch him continue down the line, writing down his notes on everyone. After he's done and all the others decided, he approaches me again. He asks the same old question and I refuse yet again. But this time, he has a plan. The little girl from earlier is brought out and now stands next to him.

"Name?" he asks yet again. As I'm about to throw another insult at him, he grabs the girl's hair and yanks it, making her cry out. Instantly I hold back my insult and reluctantly give my name. He then proceeds with the rest of his questions, asking them in exactly the same way. This time, I answer them all.

Thanks to that, they decide to hold onto the girl for now. In their eyes, she was a way of making me do as they told me to. At least this way, she'd be safe from harm or at the very least, where I could protect her.

"You know, the moment they break you, is the moment when she'll no longer be needed," said the man beside me, Moniwa as I learned his name was.

"Then that just means I can't ever let them break me."

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