Lovers Problems (Hayato Yamagata)

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"I told you no."

"Just once."



"Damnit Hayato, I said no!" The more he pushed the issue, the more irritated I started to get with my boyfriend.

"Shirabu's girlfriend would do it."

"Then go fuck her then!"

Yamagata let out a small, frustrated growl. "You think I have a death wish?"

"Yeah well sorry I'm not a fucking wolf slut like she is!"

For a while now, Hayato Yamagata and I have been a couple. Since the beginning of our second year, actually. I still love him, of course, but there was one problem in our relationship. Admittedly, I'm being overly stubborn, but it wasn't like it was entirely without reason.

Sometimes, I hated that Shirabu had that girlfriend of his. Not that there was anything wrong with her, I just hated how willing she was to do things like that with Shirabu... specifically relating to his werewolf side. Naturally, Yamagata heard a lot of things from his teammates... and more often than not, it gave him ideas.

One thing, in particular, bothered me... mostly because it made the fact that getting physically intimate with Hayato was impossible all the more obvious... and painful.

He crossed his arms and sighed. He didn't push it further. That doesn't mean he's not still upset. Honestly, I can't blame him for being upset. If I were in his position, I would be too.

I really hate fighting with him... After a minute I sighed. "Hayato..."

Neither of us can ever stay mad... and honestly, this same argument has happened so many times that it's simply become just another part of our relationship.

His arms made their way around my waist, my werewolf boyfriend embracing me. "It's not my fault..." I can't see his face right now, but I know he's scowling. "It's not like I turn on purpose... you think I want to shift whenever I get horny?"

"I know..." I know that he'd been trying to work on that, but so far, there'd been no real luck. Because of that, having sex was simply out of the question... It wasn't that I didn't want to, I very much wanted to... but it just wasn't going to work.

Okay, so maybe we still could while he was transformed, but that right there was the very cause of this argument. The simple fact that Hayato was prepared to do it even if he transformed... while I simply couldn't do that. I wish that I could be as open to the idea as he was... but the very idea of having sex with a wolf just seemed so wrong...

"I know you don't want our first time to have to be like that... but I don't think that's even going to be an option at this point."

"I... I know... but it's not just our first time together, you know? I've never... not with anyone... and to do something crazy like that... It's terrifying..." A wolf's penis was very different from a human's, as I'd noticed, thanks to the timings of the transformations. Ignoring the size differences, the most noticeable part was the large bulging part at the base. A knot, he'd told me it was called. Wolves weren't the only creatures to have them, but that didn't particularly matter. All I knew was, it seemed like that would be painful.

Hayato buried his face in my neck. "You think it's easy for me? I can't even do anything to myself without shifting."

I know... I know that it's hard on him too... I gripped his shirt, burying my face into his chest. "I... I didn't mean what I said... about Shirabu's girlfriend... I... I don't want you to..."

"I... I don't want anyone else either... and... I don't want you to be like her... I love you, not her..."

"So... what do we even do...?"

"I don't know... but we'll figure it out... somehow..."

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