My Mate (Ren Omimi)

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Wizzy: I wasn't going to even do Omimi, but then I came up with another kitsune shrine idea and was like "okay, who haven't I done that could be a kitsune?" And yeah... Omimi happened. Oddly works out really well for this. This one is a little different in that it spans over a few years.

Anyway... if there is someone I haven't done yet and you want to see them, better mention them soon! Or if there's a sequel you'd want to see for one of our first few guys in this collection. Currently, I plan to give Makki, Mattsun, Iwaizumi, Moniwa, Suguru, and Akaashi part 2s.


"Hey Osamu!" I waved to the kitsune as he came into sight. Behind him were his wife, his twin's mate, and Atsumu's four kits. The two older ones were bounding around, excited to be out. The youngest two were held in the arms of their mother. "No Atsumu today?"

Osamu shook his head. "He's got practice. Got a big match coming up." His gaze went to his mate and then back to me. "Took the day off to spend with the missus... and Tsumu's kits like coming up here to play with the others..." He smiled, stopping to chat with me while the girls went to find a cozy spot.

I like Osamu. Not in the romantic sense, but more like I admire him. Atsumu too. Seeing them with their mates, I can't wait to find my own. "Oh! Speaking of kits..."

He tilted his head curiously, his eyes widening as I pulled the kit out from the pouch of my shirt. The kit was tiny and a marbled charcoal color with bright blue eyes. "Now where did this lil guy come from?"

"I found him abandoned near the shrine... Mom said that I should take care of him... that it would be good practice for when I have kits of my own." I held my adopted kit close to my chest. Newborn kitsune had to stay close to their mothers. "His name is Ai. He was left all alone, so I wanted him to have a name that would always remind him that he's loved."

The kitsune smiled. "You'll be a great ma for him..." He patted my head, chuckling softly. "Won't be long before you have kits of your own though. You're old enough to get a mate... and lots of kitsune have shown interest in ya. You excited?"

I nodded quickly. "I don't know who he'll be yet, but I know whoever he is, he'll be wonderful."

Three months after having found Ai, a mate was decided for me. My mate-to-be... wasn't anything like I'd imagined.

He was tall, with dark hair and a stern and stoic face. The man's presence was intimidating, but when he spoke, he was nothing but polite. There were no attempts at flirting or flattery... not even the slightest hint that he was even interested in me as a mate.

Mom made one thing clear though: if I planned to keep Ai as my own, many of my suitors would walk away. What man wants his wife to raise another man's child? The man that they'd chosen for me though, made it clear that he didn't mind if I wanted to keep the kit to raise as my own.

Still, I had my doubts about if this man could ever work as my mate. Especially when you considered that there was a rather decent age gap between us... a gap of around ten years. Not that the age mattered... but there was a distinct lack of common ground between us.

Despite my concerns though, I agreed to mating with him. When the day came for the ceremony, I learned that the Miyas, Osamu and Atsumu, were friends of my mate-to-be. It was relieving to know that they would be there for my big day.

"Ya nervous?" Atsumu had asked when he stopped by that morning. All I could do was nod. "Don't worry... Omimi will be good to ya. He might look scary, but he's a good man." Seeing as I'd only gotten to meet him once prior to the ceremony, I simply had to trust Atsumu on this one.

The ceremony went perfectly. Even if I hesitated, considering rejecting this man... Do I really want someone like him as my mate? All it took was one look at the young kit seated with Osamu to make up my mind.

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