Lose (Yuuki Shibayama)

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Vamps and wolves are natural enemies. That is a fact I know way deep down in my bones. No matter how much our two sides might try to get along, we were natural enemies. And being a werewolf, I quickly found my vampire enemy.

I sat at my desk, trying to do my homework, but I couldn't focus right. How could I when that leech was flirting with a certain someone who was sitting in the seat near me?

"Yuuki... you're so cute!" she sang, looping her arms around his and nuzzling her face into his neck. I knew that girl better than anyone else. She had no interest in him whatsoever, but she knew that I did. And why wouldn't I? He was attractive and also a werewolf. I knew he was because of his scent; I could tell just about any creature by their scent.

I shot her glare that the flustered boy didn't notice. Back off, I told her in my head, a very low grow escaping me.

The vampire girl giggled a bit, which Shibayama did notice. "It looks like wolfie's jealous," she cooed, cuddling against him even more. The poor boy was getting more flustered by the second; he wasn't used to girls being all over him, not like that Kitsune who was captain of the volleyball club.

Shibayama cast a glance over at me, but I was too focused on my rival. The poor wolf boy had no idea what was going on. In fact, he was probably better off not knowing.

"Keep to your own kind, fangface," I growled, turning back to my textbook. But she wasn't done yet. Oh no, she was just getting started.

As much as I wished I could say that I was ignoring her, she was really getting to me. "Same to you, you mangy mutt." From there it just went on and eventually was carried out into the hall.

The longer this went on, the angrier I became. The angrier I got, the more I began to feel a shift coming on. I'd mostly learned to control my transformations, but when my temper was pushed, that control went out the window.

I shut my eyes and took deep breaths. Even though I didn't care if anyone knew what I was, I wasn't thrilled about the idea of shifting in the middle of the hallway. Werewolves aren't exactly well-loved, thanks to the fact that a good number of us have a bit of a temper. Unfortunately, I fall into that number.

As another insult leaves her lips, I'm pushed to my limit. When her lips hover a mere centimeter from Shibayama's neck, threatening to bite him, I'm pushed beyond that limit. Before anyone can do a thing to stop it, I'm already transformed and locked in a fight that no-good bloodsucker.

No one dares to try to separate us. The scent of blood has attracted a crowd of other non-humans, which then drew the attention of the humans. But even so, no one was brave enough to risk trying to stop the fight. Not until two individuals with strength greater than ours interfered.

As Kai, an elf, pulled her back, she didn't struggle much. All she did was throw more insults my way as I struggled against the volleyball coach's grip. The two of us were dragged away from each other while a couple of teachers asked about what happened to start the fight. However, that was a question no one could answer besides the vampire girl and me.

After she was far from my sight, I was finally released from Coach Naoi's grip. I wanted to chase that worthless leech down and tear her to pieces, but I stayed put and just watched as some blood trickled slowly down my arm. Was that even my blood?

Shibayama was asked to escort me to the nurse's office. He nodded and did as he was told, quietly taking me away.

He silently tended to the small gash on my left arm. For a long time, he didn't say anything. He didn't even look at me. I couldn't say I blamed him; he was probably worried that he'd started the fight or that he couldn't do a thing to stop it. "Why did you get so angry at her?" he asked quietly, still not looking me in the eye. There was no anger or hurt in his voice, only gentleness.

"Because I know she was only getting so sweet and cuddly with you to piss me off," I said, growling a bit in my annoyance at her. "She doesn't care about you at all and yet she does things to make you think she does and that pisses me off because I care about you."

My hand clenched into a fist. "She's a vampire, so she's our enemy. You're handsome and all, but why would she want a werewolf if we're natural enemies?"

Shibayama looked up to meet my eyes. The look of surprise in his eyes told me that he didn't think anyone had known. "How can you tell?" he asked, placing a band-aid over the last cut leftover from the fight.

"There's no fooling this nose," I smiled, tapping my nose. "My nose is really good, so I can tell any creature by their scent. Halves are a bit harder, but I haven't been wrong yet." Looking at him, I suddenly became aware of just how close he was right now. Like a magic spell, I could suddenly feel myself moving in closer. But just before we touched, I regained my senses. Instead of kissing him like some cliché movie scene, I touched the tip of his nose with mine, gently rubbing it against his.

Shibayama's face flushed red as I pulled away. "I-I thought you were going to kiss me or something..." he said shyly. Sometimes he was just too cute.

"Well, they say that for wolves, that's just like a kiss," I said, giggling a little to myself. My fight with the vampire was long forgotten. "So in a way, I kinda did." As I pointed that out, his face became even redder. He really was too cute... and I wasn't going to lose him to anyone.

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