We'll Find A Way (Takanobu Aone)

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There's one among us who is very different from the rest of us. Unlike us, his mere appearance is intimidating. The Collectors will never break him; in fact, I'm almost certain that they're afraid of him. Everyone is, really.

Aone could probably break out of here quite easily if he had a good plan. He's the strongest of all of us, as he's proven by remaining undefeated in the arena. What no one else notices though, is that he's quite kind. Quiet, but kind.

That's honestly the only thing the two of us have in common: kindness and quietness. I'm small and weak... the opposite of him. Maybe that's why we had become such good friends. Opposites attract, after all.

Basking in the warmth of the sun, I leaned against his still form. These small moments in the courtyard were all we really got. Life in this place was rough, but being able to have these moments made it liveable.

"Hey, Aone?" I asked slowly turning my gaze up to the big werewolf's face. He merely hummed in response. "If we ever got out of here, do you think that we'd still be friends?"

Aone doesn't answer right away, so I thought it had meant that he didn't want to. "Of course." It was only two words, but no two words had ever made me happier. "Do... you want to get out of here?"

It's little more than an innocent question, but its answer is a very obvious one. There isn't one of us who doesn't want out of here and I'm no exception. I wanted to get out of here; I wanted to live life like a normal girl and go to school, make friends and maybe even fall in love. "Yes."

"Then we will." I stared at him in surprise. He couldn't possibly be serious. Of course, Aone didn't lie; if he said he was going to do something, he would do it. However, there weren't many ways out of here.

"How?" One way was dying, which was obviously not one we wanted to try for. The other was to break out, which was very difficult and extremely dangerous. For someone like Aone though, it could be pretty easy, but for a little werecat like me, it would be impossible.

A small smile tugged at the corner of his mouth and felt my heart flutter. "We'll find a way." My gentle giant didn't say anything more than that, but it was really all he needed to say. Maybe there wasn't a plan yet, but someday, I knew that we'd find a way.

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