Embarrassed (Rintaro Suna)

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Wizzy: Just barely in time for it to still be posted on his birthday. Woohoo!
Anyway, things get a bit sexual near the end, but nothing too mature. Light talk of sexual activities. Read at your own risk. This references both Komori and Sakusa, with mentions of Bokuto and Meian's potential Part 2. Takes place in Timeskip Era.
Wizzy's Life Lesson for the Day: Never give Suna blackmail material.

I'd like to think that I'm too old to be crushing on someone. Though... what would you even call it if you liked someone in that sort of way if you can't call it a crush? I'm not even sure if there's a more grown-up word for it. To call my attraction for Komori's teammate a crush felt so... childish.

Bunny liked to tease me about it, saying how adorable it was that I was crushing on Suna. Bear and Lioness were no better...

So maybe I haven't seen all the things that they have... and maybe I'm the only human in our little circle of friends... and... maybe I'm the most innocent... but that didn't magically mean that I was cute...

I settled down on the couch, waiting for everyone else. Saturday nights were the nights we all spent as a group. I suppose you could call it a triple date... Komori and Lioness... Bunny and Bear... but Suna and I... weren't together. We probably never would be. If it were going to happen, it would have by now.

Bunny sat on my left, Bear right next to her. On the other side of Bear on a second, much smaller couch, Komori and then Lioness. To my right was Suna.

Ever since we all graduated high school, Komori and I had been trying to help our three shifter companions to experience everything that they'd had to miss out on because of their time with the Collectors and their years living away from society. Mostly it was the classic teenager hangout activities. Sometimes it would be watching old movies that had been really important in the time they missed. Tonight was a movie night.

It was a horror movie this time. I'd already seen it a few times, so I wasn't particularly invested in the story. Before I knew it, I'd fallen asleep.

Spending time around Bunny and Lioness had gotten harder lately... especially after we'd heard that Sakusa was going to be a father. Sakusa's teammate had two kids already and he was only a year older than us... and their captain was expected to have a kid soon... Iizuna and Sarabi just had their daughter too... It felt like everyone around me was married, about to be married, having kids, or already had kids.

I'd picked up another part-time job to help keep my mind off of it. The more I distracted myself from it with work, the less depressed about it I would be. Of course, working more than one job always takes a toll...

I'm not sure how many hours passed before I woke up. My eyes opened slowly. The pillow I was leaning on felt really warm... but where did the pillow come from? It's so firm too...

My gaze landed on a cellphone, where a hand was busily tapping away at the keyboard. Following it, I soon found that the arm holding the phone was attached to the pillow that I was leaning on. Slowly I lifted my head and turned to see Suna, calm as ever.

From the sound of things, everyone else had left already...

Noticing that I was no longer sleeping, Suna put his phone down. "You're awake. No one wanted to wake you..." How embarrassing that I fell asleep... "Komori said that you've been working a lot lately... That wouldn't happen to have anything to do with your mother, would it?"

What did my mother have to do with this? Sure, she'd been pressuring me about finding someone, but Suna couldn't possibly have known that. No one would have known about that. Unless...

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