Jealous 2 (Yutaro Kindaichi)

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Five weeks. That's how long it's been since the last time Kindaichi and I said a word to each other. It might have been kind of stupid, but I was still mad at him. Well, maybe mad was quite the right word... more like... irritated. Upset.

It was pretty clear to everyone else that something had happened, but no one dared to ask me about it. That was probably because I didn't particularly have any friends outside of Kindaichi... Sure, there was Kunimi who we'd both gone to middle school with, but he was more Kindaichi's friend than mine. Not to mention that he wasn't the type to get involved in little things like this.

Even if we weren't talking though, Kindaichi still made it a point to wake me whenever I fell asleep on my desk. I guess old habits die hard... though maybe that was a sign that our friendship wasn't actually over... that it was merely taking a timeout...

Today though, he didn't wake me. No one did. I lifted my head up, still party asleep. I really needed to stop sleeping during my last class... but it wasn't like I could help it. It was so boring. Out of habit, I looked over to where Kindaichi's desk was. Normally, he wouldn't have just left me, and now I could see exactly why... he was still there... and fast asleep on his desk.

I grabbed my things and headed for the door, but stopped halfway. I very much want to just leave him. I'm still pretty upset with him, but I can't help this nagging feeling that something is just not right here. In the end, I have to give in and follow my gut feeling.

Kindaichi never sleeps in class. That right there is a sign that something was seriously wrong. I moved over to his desk, looking down at him. He looked really pale... I know they say vampires are supposed to be pale, but that was just a stupid rumor.

Had he not been taking care of himself properly? That would be just like him... I reached out to touch his cheek... it was hot. A fever? In the back of my mind, a memory stirred.

"So vampires can't get sick?" I said, staring at Kindaichi curiously. He'd been a bit unwell then and I'd scolded him for not resting properly when he was sick.

"Not exactly... it's more like we don't get colds or the flu like humans do." Kindaichi was kind of pale then too. "But if we don't get enough blood, we can get really sick... or some of us just go blood crazy."

I remembered scooting a little closer, much more curious than afraid. "So what about you? Do you ever go blood crazy? Or do you just get sick?"

The memory made me shudder. I'd forgotten how dangerous it could be for a vampire to go without blood... and I had a pretty good feeling that Kindaichi hadn't been getting blood elsewhere these past few weeks.

Bloodsickness, I think that was what he'd said it was called... If it didn't get dealt with, it could very well kill him.

"Hey... Kindaichi..." I spoke softly, shaking him lightly. If he stayed unconscious, then I wouldn't really be able to help him. "Come on, you gotta wake up..."

I was still mad, but I wasn't about to just leave him when he needed help the most... I loved him too much.

His eyes opened only partly. A small mumble left his lips, but I couldn't make it out. Maybe it was my name...

I stroked his hair lightly.  He didn't make any attempts to sit up. "You idiot... you haven't been taking care of yourself at all, have you...?" Normally I'd yell at him, but all I could do was speak softly. I was far too worried to even act like I was still mad.

Slowly I brought myself down to his level, my hand undoing the top few buttons of my shirt and pushing the fabric off my shoulder. His eyes widened a bit and he tried to lift his head a bit.

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