Sunlight 3 (Morisuke Yaku)

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The side of the house that I'd found myself on after slipping out the window was luckily shaded. I'd taken an old sweatshirt that Yaku had, one that was very much too big for me. This would give me some protection from the harsh sunlight. So long as my skin wasn't exposed, I could make a quick dash through the sunny patches.

All I have to do is hold out until nightfall... Once the sun was down, I could get far away from here... Far away from Yaku... Far enough away that I would never ever have to worry that I might hurt him.

For now though, I had to take things just one step at a time. I spotted the next patch of shade... the shadow of the house next door. I hold my breath as I sprint through the short strip of sun between here and there. There's still a burning sensation, but the sweatshirt blocks most of it, letting me get through without much pain.

 As I hop from shadow to shadow, my mind goes to Yaku. How long until he even noticed that I was gone? Would he ever notice? Actually, that was a stupid thought... of course he'd notice that I'm gone. The real question was if he would even care... I was never anything but a burden to him...

Leaving him is something I don't want to do, but even more than that, I don't want to hurt him. The things that the others said... I know they're the truth. There's a reason that you don't see turned vampires walking among everyone else... there's a reason that vampire hunters will take them down without hesitation.

Maybe I shouldn't have asked Yaku to let me come with him. If I'd stayed back at the apartment, his friends wouldn't have found out about me... and maybe then I could have kept pretending that there wasn't a chance that I would hurt him...

Maybe... maybe I should just walk out into the sunlight and let that be the end of it all. I look down at the ground... that little line where the edge of the shadows is. It'd be so easy to just step past that little border. It'll hurt like hell, but it would all be over in just a minute or two...

As I move to take that first step, a firm grip takes hold of my arm. In that brief second before I look, my mind goes straight to Yaku. If he were here, I know that he'd stop me.

"You're not really going to do it, are you?" If I didn't feel his hand on my arm, I'd probably have thought that I was only imagining his voice.

I turn my head, looking at Yaku's worried face. "If I were, would you try to stop me?"

"Of course I'd stop you."

It was a stupid question, really. Of course he would stop me... that was just the kind of person he was... "Why?"

The question seemed to catch him off guard, but his answer came without the slightest hesitation. "Because I love you."

It wasn't an answer that I would have expected. Maybe that was why it hit me so hard and made me second guess my thoughts about ending everything. "Even though I'm a monster?"

"You're not a monster." His voice was firm, like there was no way that it couldn't be the truth... and I wanted so very much to believe him. "Did you really think that I never noticed? You're always looking out for me... it might seem like a bunch of useless little things to you, but to me, they mean so much."

I took a few steps away from the edge of the shadows. Whatever he was thinking, it was something that I needed to hear, I was sure of it. "But I'm-"

"Don't say that you're a burden. You never have been." Yaku's eyes are locked onto mine and I really want to believe what he said. "It's never a burden to look after someone you care for... Hell, you could stand to ask for a hell of a lot more you know? You're always putting me first and most of the time you don't even ask me for blood..."

His hand moved to my cheek. "If you hate being with me, I'll let you leave... but if you want to stay, then... let me be selfish and keep you by my side."

"But what if I end up hurting you?" It was so easy for him to say all these things, but being what I was, there was still that threat of what I could do... Turned vampires like me had their reputation for a reason, after all.

In spite of all that though, Yaku didn't seem the slightest bit afraid. "You won't... and even if there was a chance, I'm willing to take that risk."

"If you keep saying things like that, you make me want to stay forever..." I mumbled. He leaned in, his forehead resting against mine.

"Good... because I don't want you to leave..." He didn't say anything more and merely closed the space between us, kissing me sweetly.

Maybe I wouldn't be able to stay with him forever, but if he wanted me, then I would stay as long as he would let me.

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