Thief (Atsumu Miya)

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My mother tells me that I have a terrible habit. It's not my fault... not really... I can't help it if my favorite place to read is under the tree in our backyard... it's so comfy... I can't help it if I tend to fall asleep there... it's not like I go there to take a nap.

My eyes fluttered open slowly. On the ground just in front of me laid the book I'd been reading. Probably lost my page again. As I moved to stretch and sit back up, I stopped. Something was curled up next to me.

Now, I knew there was a stray cat in the area that was rather friendly... but this wasn't a cat. It's a fox. Naturally, my first instinct is panic, but I do my best to stay calm. If I scared it, there was a good chance that it would turn aggressive.

The best thing I can think of is to stay still. After a minute, it lazily opened its eyes, staring straight at me. It gives a bit of a stretch and a yawn before sitting up. Its ears give a little twitch and then it runs off.

If it had only been that one time, I would have simply brushed it off and believed it to simply be a dream. That wasn't the only time though. He came around every day after that... and I knew it was a he simply because of the way he'd shamelessly slept on his back, legs spread and quite clearly showing off a pair of balls between his legs the third time he'd appeared. If he were a human and not a fox, that would be rather concerning.

He'd quickly become my napping buddy. Soon though, he started coming earlier, appearing before I would fall asleep.

We'd spend hours together under the tree. I'd talk to him about anything and everything... including my current boyfriend and how things had seemed off lately. For a minute, I even entertained the idea of breaking up with him. I'd probably never do it though.

The fox always seemed content to listen and simply be petted. Of course, that didn't mean he acted like a perfect little angel. Oh hell no. He had quite the tendency to act out in strange ways.

Like there were times he'd steal my cup of pudding. I didn't even think a fox would like pudding.

Or that time he tried sticking his nose up and under my skirt. "You can't do that," I'd told him, pushing him back and using a hand to hold my skirt down. As if he could actually understand what I was saying... he sure understood the little smack on the nose though.

That wasn't the worst though. Oh no... One of the times I'd woken from my sudden nap, I found him sitting a few feet away from me, a piece of cloth in his jaws. It only takes a few seconds to realize that it's a pair of panties... one of mine actually... Wait, wasn't that the same pair that I put just this morning? One quick check with my hand and I confirm that yes, those had in fact been the ones that I was wearing... or rather, had been wearing. Little bastard stole my underwear... while I was wearing them...

I never did get them back... he ran off with them to whole knows where...

This fox... he certainly was something else. If nothing else, he sure knew how to be memorable... In no time, I'd gotten so used to him showing up that I started to actually wait for him.

Today, I'd ended up falling asleep while waiting for him to show. When I woke, I didn't feel him beside me like I usually would. For a minute, I worried that he'd gone and stolen my panties again. Thankfully, that wasn't the case.

I sat up, frowning when spotted my phone laying on the grass. Now I was sure I didn't leave it there. As I picked it up, my face fell when I saw the message on the screen.

I never really liked you anyway

The hell? One look at the name and the number said that it was my boyfriend. Or I guess it's about to be ex... Scrolling up through the messages, I was horrified.

It started with a text from me. I think we should break up. Only... I'd never sent such a message. His response seemed normal enough, simply asking why. The response that came from my side... that was unexpected... It claimed that he was cheating.

He didn't even try to deny it... instead opting to ask who had told me. Shockingly, a name was given. Atsumu.

That made me scowl. The only Atsumu I knew of was Atsumu Miya, who went to the same school as me. I was at least a thousand percent sure that I'd never once spoken to him in my life.

Sure, he was hot. There was no denying that. He was kind of a jerk though. Not to mention more than a bit stuck up. In no way was he remotely my type... neither in a romantic way nor in a purely friendly way.

That wasn't the problem at hand though. The problem was that I sure as hell wasn't the one who had sent those messages. Of course, no one was around... except for the fox who was sitting quietly only a few feet away.

There was no way that it was him. Sure, he'd gotten away with stealing my panties, but I refused to believe he'd been able to take my phone and break up with my boyfriend for me over some texts.

Just thinking that sounded insane... then again, it sounded just as weird to say that a fox had stolen my panties...

My gaze locked on him and I saw his ears pin back. No. Absolutely not. He slowly crawled his way over, stopping to sit just in front of me. I knew what shame looked like, and this was certainly it. It couldn't be physically possible... right?

In a mere blink, the fox in front of me is gone and in his place is a boy my age. One look at that blonde hair and I know.

"You... you wanted to do it..."

It wasn't his place to do it for me.

Many emotions surged within me. Pain... Betrayal... Sadness... but the strongest of all? Anger.

I was absolutely pissed. Him being a pervert? I could have overlooked that. Stealing my pudding all the time? It was good pudding, so how could I blame him? Stealing my panties was a bit fucked up, but that I could have forgiven...

But this? No... No, I couldn't forgive that. He had absolutely no right to do something like that. Cheating boyfriend or not, it had nothing to do with him.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" I shoved him away and stormed inside. His face was the absolute last thing that I wanted to see right now.

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