My Savior 2 (Koutaro Bokuto)

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Humans often call us nonhumans monsters... but really, it's humans who are the real monsters. Just because they are the ones who rule this world... what right do they have to look down on all of us? In the end, it's just another fact of life.

Another is that while nonhumans may fool around in their younger years with others not of their kind, they will almost always end up with someone of their own kind. Werewolves usually ended up with other werewolves... vampires with other vampires... Rarer creature types were also known for this when they had the chance.

Bokuto... he's no different, I'm sure. Wereowls are so rare... he'd be a fool not to choose one of his own kind... especially when there just so happened to be one here in his school, a female too.

After Bokuto had rescued me that night, he'd taken me to his friend Akaashi. He hadn't known what else to do at the time, he'd said. From that moment on though, I was free.

I ended up attending school, though I had to take on extra classes to really get caught up to everyone else. It wasn't too hard to adjust to a normal life, though I did struggle with some things.

The biggest problem I had was Bokuto. Now don't get me wrong, he was great... but that was the problem... Even with everything I'd been through with the Collectors, I did still know what love felt like... and what I felt for Bokuto was most definitely love.

Bokuto... I was pretty sure he didn't share those same feelings. If he were to be interested in anyone, it would surely be that wereowl girl... Honestly, how could any guy not? She was really pretty and had a great personality. I've never talked to her, but I could tell more than enough just by watching.

She and Bokuto had a special kind of closeness... something that was clearly much stronger than anything that I might have had with him. It's not that I'm jealous... to really be jealous I would at least have to see her as competition... but I was in no way any sort of competition to her.

I'm not outgoing like she is... I'm not anywhere near as popular... I'm certainly not pretty like she is either... How could I be? After everything that the humans had done, there was no way I could ever be seen as pretty...

Being so lost in my thoughts, I didn't even notice that someone had been calling my name for a while now. It wasn't until I felt him tapping on my shoulder that I even had any idea that Bokuto had been trying to get my attention.

"So you gonna answer me?" I could only stare at him in complete confusion. "I asked if you wanted to walk home with me since there's no practice today."

For a moment, I wasn't sure what to say. I very much wanted to, but a part of me was worried that it would upset that other girl. "Um... you don't want to go with that other girl...?" I asked cautiously. Until then, it never really occurred to me that I didn't actually know what her name was.

Bokuto seemed like he understood who I was talking about, thankfully. "She's staying after with Akaashi."

So I was the second choice after all. Or maybe it was third, since normally he'd have picked Akaashi before me. "Oh... okay..." I tried to force a smile, but I couldn't really look at him. "You two are close... and you seem to really like her...."

"Well, she's my sister, so I kind of have to like her," Bokuto said, seemingly completely oblivious to what I'd been hinting at.

Wait... sister? I looked at him weirdly. "She's... your sister?"

Bokuto looked at me like I'd just said the sky was yellow. "Uh... yeah? Didn't you already know that?" Then what I'd said all clicked. "Wait, you thought I liked her? Like as a girlfriend?"

Well now that he said it like that, it really sounded stupid. When I thought about it though, I could see how they would be siblings... there was a bit of resemblance, though I'd always just assumed it was because they were both wereowls.

When I only gave a tiny nod, Bokuto just laughed at me. "You really thought that?" It took him a minute to calm back down. "Even if she wasn't my sister, she's got a thing for Akaashi. I'd never get in the way of that."

I wasn't sure if I should be sad or feel comforted. It still didn't mean that I had any sort of chance... A guy like Bokuto could get just about any girl that he wanted if he put his mind to it.

The thoughts were so distracting that I didn't realize that Bokuto had kept talking and that my walking had slowed to almost a stop. It's not until I feel Bokuto's hands on my shoulders that I focus again.

Slowly I looked up to meet his eyes. He looked worried. Why would he be worried about me? Before I could ask, his hand came up and gently stroked my cheek. Not even a moment later, his lips pressed to mine.

Right away, I squeaked in surprise and backed up a few steps. What was that?!

Bokuto laughed again, a bright smile on his face. "You looked all dazed. Like you were asleep or something." He reached out and took my hands in his, an innocent grin on his face. "That's how that fairytale goes, right? You kiss the sleeping princess and she wakes up."

As much as I love Bokuto, his thought processes still genuinely confuse me sometimes. Still, it brought a smile to my face. Even if I might never get to be anything more than a friend to him, I always had this one kiss that I could look back on.

"Akaashi keeps telling me I have to be careful with you, since you've been through all those bad things... but I don't really get what he means, you know? You're strong, you escaped from all that even if it was scary and dangerous... That's an amazing thing, you know? And you're still standing all tall and proud like it never happened. Even if you keep hiding your wings, you're still staying strong."

Bokuto... he really is an idiot... but... maybe that's why his heart is so pure and kind... Hearing talk about me like that... like I was some kind of hero... it brought tears to my eyes.

"Eh?" Bokuto's grin immediately vanished and was replaced by panic. "Why are you crying? Did I hurt you or something?" He released my hands to look at his own before putting them on my shoulder.

I wiped some tears from my eyes and smiled. "You're really sweet, Bokuto." He had no idea just how much I'd really needed to hear that.

He still seemed thoroughly confused, but since I was smiling, he stopped panicking. For a moment, he was silent. "Hey, can I kiss you? Or... well, would you be okay with it if I did?"

"Why would you..." I swear, being with this guy gives me just as many mood swings as he gets...

"Why wouldn't I want to? I already told you that I liked you. What more of a reason do I need?"

Um, what? When did he even say that? Oh no... did he say it while I was all zoned out? I felt horrible...

Bokuto frowned. "You didn't hear me at all, did you? Geez... and I said it all romantic too..." He carefully took my hands again. "I guess it's too late to try and be all romantic about it now... but yeah, I like you. I've been trying to not get all lovey and physical or anything since Akaashi said you might get scared if I did... He said I had to be gentle, that you're kinda fragile... I don't think you're that fragile or anything, but I don't want to end up hurting you or scaring you away."

He really is too much for my heart sometimes... "You protected me when I needed someone the most... I know you would never hurt me... so I'll never be scared of you..." Really, he was far too good for me... but if I had a chance to make him happy, I'd take it in a heartbeat. "Bokuto, I love you."

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