Perfect Match 3 (Osamu Miya)

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Wizzy: So originally I wanted to have this start from exactly where Part 2 left off, with the massage and leading into some mature content, but I'll be honest with y'all, any of those that I've done since coming back from my break have been pretty terrible. So for the time being, I'm not going to really write any of those. But aside from that,  nothing really changed for this one.

When I woke in the morning, Osamu was no longer in my bed. I suppose that would be expected, wouldn't it? Neither of us had actually planned on sleeping with the other... this "date" had only happened to get Atsumu to leave his twin's live life alone and to help Osamu get rid of some of his stress.

I stretched a bit as I sat up. No matter... I wasn't exactly looking for a boyfriend anyways. Not that I didn't want one... I just simply wasn't actively looking.

As I climb out of bed, I take a moment to check my phone. Several texts from Atsumu... each one questioning why Osamu didn't come home and ultimately ending in the blonde asking if we'd ended up hooking up.

Instead of answering him, I decided to put it off. He doesn't need to know... not yet. As I dressed myself, a smell caught my attention. It wasn't anything unpleasant... it smelled rather delicious, actually.

I followed it into the kitchen, where I was met with the sight of Osamu cooling breakfast. Definitely not what I'd expected, but I can't complain. Honestly, how many guys make breakfast for you the morning after? Not many.

Osamu seemed so focused... it was kind of mesmerizing. After a while, he glanced my way. "Mornin'." He hummed, acting like this was simply just another day. Maybe it was his way of avoiding any awkwardness, by acting like this was just any other morning.

A moment later, he set two plates of food on the table. Normally I had a habit of skipping breakfast, but with how good this smelled, I simply couldn't resist.

As we ate, Osamu started to speak. "I think ya probably figured it out by now... but 'Tsumu and I... we're not human..."

It was kind of obvious after the whole fox incident... but I didn't ask, since I didn't want to pry.

"We're kitsune..." Osamu gave me a serious stare. "If it's too weird for ya, I don't blame ya, but... I think I'd like to actually try this out, so it's something ya have to know."

To be honest, I hadn't expected anything to come out of this. Not that I had a problem with it.

"As much as I hate to admit it, Tsumu actually picked someone good this time..." Osamu looked down at his plate a moment before taking a deep breath and turning his eyes back to me. "I'd like to try actually dating ya properly, if ya want to."

The way that he asked was a bit awkward, but if what Atsumu said was true, Osamu didn't exactly have much experience with dating. It was hard to refuse... so I don't.

"You know, you could have just simply asked if I wanted to date you... but yes... I'd love to."

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