Trap (Suguru Daisho)

315 14 18

Wizzy: I'm not sorry.

"Come on! It's over here!"

Today was supposed to have been just a relaxing day at the beach... and being dragged off by my younger twin brothers was definitely the opposite of relaxing. They'd found... something and now insisted that I come and see it.

It's probably some funny-looking seaweed... or a starfish that washed up... Could be another penis-shaped rock too. The twins have found several already and had insisted that I had to see each of them.

For us, it's not all that weird... things like that are just a natural part of succubi and incubi culture. According to those customs, I'd be considered an adult already, but because this is the human world, things work by human rules.

The twins come to a stop at a large hole. "What do you think it is?"

"A hole?" I suggested, a bit annoyed that they dragged me all the way out to some secluded spot... to show me a hole.

One of the twins shook their head. "Not that... that." The child pointed at something down in the hole.

Sighing, I crouched by the edge and looked down in it. Right away, the annoyance of being dragged out here was forgotten.

In the hole is a creature I've never seen before. The upper half looked like any normal human, but the lower half was clearly not. It was kind of like a merman, but he was clearly using his lower half to stand upright. Mermen can't do that... not to mention it was more reptilian than being fishlike.

As weird as he appeared though, he was still a nonhuman, just like us. My brothers didn't seem to think much of it. "Isn't it weird?"

"I think he's stuck down there..." While my younger siblings were busy gawking at the strange being, I felt more concerned. It didn't look like it was down there by choice.

I shifted forward to try and get a closer look, only for my hand to slip out from under me and send me tumbling into the hole. My eyes clenched shut, waiting for when I hit the rocky bottom of the hole... but it wasn't the rocks I hit... it was a person.

The twins shrieked when the creature in the hole caught me. Even if he'd saved me from what could have been a nasty fall, the two children were freaking out. They shouted down at me to stay there before running off. As if I could actually go anywhere...

"Thanks..." The strange male set me on my feet.

He gave a shrug. "It's not like I could just let you hurt yourself... humans like you are fragile."

Um... what? "I'm not a human, I'm a succubus," I corrected him, glancing at the sides of the hole.

"No, you're definitely human." The snake man crossed his arms and leaned against the walls of the hole. "I don't know where you'd get the idea that you're a succubus... I know the scent of a human."

He's wrong. He has to be. "I'm not a human." The sides were too slick and too steep to climb... and nowhere to grab hold of. I was far too short to reach the top and pull myself up and out too. Just like my new snake friend, I was quite stuck.

"There's no way out, I've already tried." He's probably right, seeing as he was trapped here before I was. "We're stuck until the tide comes back in and fills this with water again... or until those two little incubi come back with some sort of help... but I wouldn't count on that option."

I want to tell him that he's wrong, but I don't actually know what my brothers will do. Maybe they thought that this guy was going to eat me... or maybe they were going to get someone to rescue me. Who knows?

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