Ruins (Motoya Komori)

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Wizzy: So I've had this done for a little while now... but I was saving it for when I had Part 2 done. Was never a big fan of Komori before, but he's actually super adorable. Anyway, this idea was originally going to be for Tanaka, but I won't be doing one for him or for Kiyoko. Those who have read the manga already know why.  Anyway, things are a little... rough, with this set, much like with Kuguri's. You may not like our leading lady very much at first, but do see the story through to the end. All 3 parts of Komori, plus Part 1 of Sakusa.

My nose twitched as it caught a scent. Multiple scents, really. Didn't matter the number... just that there were human scents. Among them though are a couple of nonhuman ones.

Instantly my thoughts go to the Collectors, but the human scents lack that stench that Collectors always had... Even so, humans have no place here. This forest belongs to the Pack.

I moved silently through the trees, seeking out the source... the intruders.

Most humans stay away from here, having heard rumors of a pack of wolves living in the area. It's not the truth, but it's not entirely a lie. Pretty much all of the Pack is made up of shifters like myself, many being werewolves.

As I draw closer to the scents, I start to become hyper-aware of how close they are to the old Collectors' compound nestled in these woods. The place is abandoned now, but in it are still the bodies of the Collectors we'd slain when making our great escape. If people outside the Pack found it, it could mean trouble.

Finally I caught up, finding five humans and two nonhumans. From the way the tents are set up and the pit in middle... I'd assume it was some little camping trip. Stupid humans.

For a moment, I watch them from a nearby tree. As much as I'd love to just barge in and tear them all to pieces, I'm not stupid. Even if they are only pathetic little humans, numbers can easily overwhelm.

The humans are completely unaware... of course they would be that stupid. The two nonhumans seem to be on edge though.

The two share a resemblance, so I assume that they're related somehow. Siblings, I'd bet. Their scents are similar too, but they're not quite like other scents. There's that coppery sort of smell to it... which meant vampires... but it wasn't quite right... there was something more to it that I couldn't quite place. Likely they're mixed-bloods.

The female nonhuman stops suddenly and looks at one of the trees near me. "Toya, do you feel like we're being watched?"

"You've been watching too many horror movies... You're probably just imagining it," the male nonhuman said.

Once their attention is in another direction, I slip down from the tree and take off. There are too many to risk making any kind of move on my own; I have to go back to camp and alert the others.

Thorn was not happy when he heard about the humans. With a group though, there wasn't much we could do that wouldn't put the Pack at risk. Being our leader, our alpha, he couldn't do anything that would endanger us.

The situation had to be handled delicately. If it was merely one or two humans, we could easily kill them and make it look like a simple wild animal attack... or simply keep them as our little pets. We have a little human pet already though.

She's a pathetic little thing... never says a word, never fights back... The girl wandered into our territory about a year ago and Thorn decided he wanted to have a little pet to push around. Lucky for us, no one ever bothered to come looking for her.

A twig snaps and all our heads turn. The young male from the human intruders... that little halfbreed... He froze under our stares.

Thorn started to open his mouth but stopped as I stepped towards the intruder. I was one of the main protectors of the pack, so our leader had no problem leaving this to me.

"You're not supposed to be here," I growled, trying to give off as intimidating of an aura as I could. "This is Pack territory. Go back to your little humans, mutt."

He glanced at everyone watching him, thinking very carefully. "You must be the wolves that everyone was so worried about..." The male is all too aware that we have him outnumbered... that one wrong move would be all it takes to make us turn on him. "Looks like werewolves would have been more accurate..."

I watch as his eyes move around our camp, taking it all in. Everything from our tents made of sticks and animal skins... to the large fire pit in the center... to where Bear and Bunny, our werebear and wererabbit, were currently skinning a deer that our hunting party had gotten just moments ago.

To him, it must seem strange, but for us, it's our paradise. Seeing the look of awe on his face, I decided to try a slightly gentler approach. "We have a good thing going here... and your little human friends are going to ruin it." I followed his gaze to where it landed on our little wererabbit. Bunny was such a petite girl... she'd be helpless without Bear around to protect her. "You've got vampire blood, so I don't expect you to understand... but after the things we've been through... everything we've seen... we'll never be able to survive in human society..."

"You could learn to... if you wanted to." The half-vampire was making a strange face. I've seen faces like that before, but not since I was a child. It looks sad, but not necessarily for himself... What even was that called? Pity? Sympathy? Or was that empathy? I didn't even know anymore.

Movement drew our attention to where the human pet was. Someone gave her a shove, knocking her onto the ground. The halfbreed made the face again, making me scowl. "Don't feel sorry for a stupid little human."

"You can't just push her around like that," he said, fixing me with a scowl. Guess he has some balls after all.

I give a snort. "We're treating her better than the humans treated us..."

"That doesn't make you any better than them!"

That hit just the wrong nerve. "This is nothing compared to the things that the humans have done." I stepped towards him with a growl. How dare he defend a human? He's not even-

That's when it hit me. His other half must be human. It made sense since even other nonhumans generally don't like vampires... and it explained why he felt so sympathetic towards the human... It pissed me right off.

"Get back to your stupid little humans. If you know what's good for you, you'll be gone by morning."

We can't actually do much to him and his human friends, but he doesn't need to know that. It seemed like he believed the threat too, because by the morning, he and the intruders were gone... and so was our human.

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