Vampires 2 (Satori Tendo)

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Wizzy: Because Satori is Satori... Ties into Shirabu's story, so I had to post it before Shirabu's part 3. Takes place somewhere in the middle of Part 3. This wasn't at all what I had originally planned for Satori's part 2, but this was much better.

 "Finally cried herself to sleep, huh?" I looked down at the girl curled up next to Satori. If I didn't already know better, I would definitely be feeling jealous right now. Maybe Satori and I weren't dating, not officially, but we were kind of a thing. "Poor girl..."

"I'm surprised you're not flipping out about this." Satori shot me a playful glance as he placed his volleyball jacket under her head for a pillow. "Though I suppose you heard the rumors."

I gave the vampire a light punch in the shoulder. "This is all your fault, you know." As harsh as it sounded, it was the truth. "If you hadn't gone and blabbed, then she wouldn't have ended up in this mess."

"Well how else would anyone know that she liked wolfies?" The number of times a day I considered strangling him only ever seemed to grow.

"It wasn't your place to tell." Granted, some good did come out of the situation on that she'd had to move dorms and ended up with me as a new roommate. Her last had flipped out and demanded a new roommate after some jerks had decided to vandalize their dorm door with some rather obscene wolf things.

It hadn't really bothered me that that was what she was into. It's wasn't my thing, but hey, you do you.

"Well, how was I to know she'd end up hooking up with Shirabu?"

Admittedly, I found the very thought to be impossible. Not that Shirabu wasn't attractive or couldn't get a girl, I just never would have pegged him as the type to do the friends with benefits thing.

I shook my head. "It's still your fault." The girl stirred in her sleep, hand lightly grabbing the fabric of Satori's pants as a faint, sleepy mumble of the setter's name leaves her lips. "Satori, you are a horrible friend."

Satori didn't look bothered in the slightest. "They'll work it out."

"And what if they don't, huh?" I'm being mean to him, but the whole situation pissed me off... and the way that Satori wasn't taking it the slightest bit seriously was kissing me off even more. "Why couldn't you just be a normal friend and just try to set her up with someone, huh? There are plenty of guys in this school who would have liked a girl like her."

Satori only shrugged. "I thought about setting her up with someone, but she's picky. If it's human, she doesn't want it. Vampire? Out of the question. Unless it's a werewolf, she won't touch it."

He was exaggerating, I was sure. "Even if that's the case, don't you have several teammates that are werewolves?" Shiratorizawa was known for having a rather large werewolf population, much like how Aoba Johsai had a high number of vampires. Not that it mattered much. "I know Ushijima has that girlfriend of his, but what about someone like Goshiki? He would have been good to her."

"Goshiki? Seriously? No way." Satori laughed. "He d be way too innocent for her."

"Okay, fine." I crossed my arms over my chest. "What about Kawanishi? Or Yamagata?"

Satori shook his head. "I don't think she would have been satisfied with anyone but Shirabu."

I want to argue with him, but honestly I can't. The fact that she was so torn up at the mere thought of losing him to someone else said all that needed to be said. What Shirabu felt, I couldn't even imagine, but I couldn't help but feel like he'd be a fool to let her go.

"It's not fair... she shouldn't have to be hurting like this..." I turned my back to the two of them. "It's so cruel to put a girl through that much emotional torture...."

A pair of arms slipped around my waist and his face nuzzled into my neck. "You sound like you're jealous," Satori hummed, making me laugh.

"Of what? That her heart is about to get broken? I don't think so."

"That she's in love." He nuzzles me playfully. "And that she gets more sick that you d- OW!"

Satori shut up when I flicked him in the forehead. "Who's fault is that?"


I sighed. "You can't seriously tell me that you don't notice..." This guy wasn't called the guess monster for nothing... he couldn't possibly have been so stupid as to not notice that I was attracted to him. "It's not like I've tried to hide it or anything..."

Satori released his grip and moved to stand in front of me, eyes staring curiously at me. "You're kidding..."

"No, I'm not." I didn't dare to look away from his gaze. "Do you really think I let just anyone suck my blood? I don't even like vampires. You of all people should know that."

For once in his life, Satori didn't say a thing... That shocked look on his face was priceless.

"So what is it, Satori? Do you feel it too? Or were you just messing with me all this time?"

Satori only laughed. "You really don't know?" Damn him for stealing my own words.

"Got it. You're totally just fucking with me." I turned away from him. I didn't actually think that, but maybe if he thought that I thought that, he would at least say it flat out. Probably not though.

"Seriously?" Satori put his arms around me again, face in my neck. "You can't seriously think that." Hit bit at my neck playfully. "Am I not obvious enough? I mean, we're pretty much dating already anyway. I didn't think we'd need to actually come out and say it."

Close enough. "Satori, you're an idiot."

He only laughed at me, face nuzzling my neck more. Must be a vampire thing... which made sense, I suppose. I didn't exactly know any other vampires though, so it wasn't like I could test that. Not that I would even want to.

"Mm... you know..." Satori hummed, face still buried in my neck. "They say that biting while you go at it is super hot..."

"Satori, we are not having sex when my roommate is literally right there."

"Aw.... How 'bout just a little?"


"Just a little nibble then?"

"Knock it off Satori."

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