Don't Be Scared 3 (Kenji Futakuchi)

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Wizzy: Finally got this one done! Ya know, I feel like Incubus Futakuchi and Incubus Terushima would be good buddies.
Anyway... I have several more of these in the works. Including parts for: Kita, Aran, Suna, Akaashi, Bobata, Terushima, Iwaizumi, Makki, Mattsun, Noya, Numai, Suguru, and quite possibly Maruyama and that one dark-haired guy from Ougiminami whose name I can't remember right now.
If you'd want to see the reader as a certain creature, feel free to mention it! I do actually listen.


It was starting to get dark by the time we'd reached the place where Kenji insisted that we needed to go.

It didn't look like anything special... just a blanket on the ground under a tree. There wasn't any way that he could have had time to set this up unless he'd known before he'd even asked that I would agree to even see this festival with him.

"A friend of mine... another incubus like me, set this spot up for me," Kenji said, setting me down gently on the blanket. "Yuuji's not the kind of guy I'd normally hang out with, but I like the way he looks at things. Plus it's hard to make friends with decent incubi around here..."

I set my hand down, but pulled it back when I found a piece of... what did the humans call that again? Oh yeah... paper. So that's what paper is like when it's not wet... I picked it up and showed it to Kenji. The markings on it... I had no hope of understanding them. Reading human writing had never been important.

Kenji read it in merely a second and then glanced to where I'd picked it up from. Sitting there was another strange thing. A small square... with a circular sort of outline inside? It's not anything that I'd ever seen or heard of.

When I looked at Kenji to ask though, he simply took it from my hands and tossed it aside at the base of the tree. "You don't need to worry about that... Just Yuuji thinking that he's being helpful..."

I was still curious, but I figured that I should let it go. If he wasn't telling me, then there was probably a good reason for it. As much as I want to distrust him, Kenji has given me no reason to not trust him.

He sat down next to me, one arm stretched out behind my back. I still don't know what he intended to do here... It certainly didn't feel like this had anything to do with the festival. There was no one else around...

"You know... Yuuji is always telling me about the place where he grew up... a whole little community of incubi like us..." He smiled a bit but didn't look at me. "The way he talks about it, it sounds like paradise. Everyone looking out for each other... and there's no fear that others will judge you for what is a part of being an incubus..."

I wasn't sure, but it almost seemed like Kenji was a little nervous. It couldn't be though... What would he even have to be nervous about?

"I..." Kenji paused a moment and turned to look at me. "Incubi do things differently than humans... Being an adult isn't determined by being however many years old... It's after we become sexually mature... or rather, once we're grown enough to be capable of having and wanting to have sex... Not long after, we're expected to lose our virginity... typically around fourteen or fifteen, but some wait longer. It's a big deal for us. Kind of like how some humans make such a big deal over first kisses."

He shifted a little closer. "Most of the time, you'll pair up with an older, more experienced person... For me, that was one of Yuuji's older sisters. That's how I met him, actually. Since there weren't really any Succubi around that were anywhere close to my age, my mom helped me find someone. Apparently, our mothers worked for the same place... but that's not important..." Kenji looked down at the blanket. "I... This spot right here? This was where I lost mine. During this same festival when I was fourteen... about two years ago."

"I guess what I'm trying to say is... I'm glad that you came out here with me." The only way I could think of to describe the way he looked right now, was nervous. But... incubi don't get nervous... do they? Kenji looked at me, smiling. "It means a lot to get to share this with someone... someone who isn't Aone or that cute little werecat that he likes..."

Aone... he said that name before. I didn't know who this guy was, but he seemed like a good friend of Kenji's. The incubus had said that he wanted to give Aone a chance to tell his girl how he felt... that unless he found someone to go with, Aone would have insisted that Kenji tag along, and Kenji didn't want to be a... What did he call it? Third wall? Oh wait, was it whale? That would make sense. A pair of whales wouldn't make a match if there was a third one with them!

I'm snapped from my thoughts of the third whale by an explosion. As I looked out, bright colors burst across the sky. Breathtaking colors spread out... starting like a tiny speck and quickly fanning out like anemones. Behind them, the moon shone bright and full, looking like one of those shiny coins that I've seen around long lost shipwrecks. Never in my life had I seen anything like this.

Kenji slid his arm up and around my shoulders, moving me closer. I paid it no mind though, too mesmerized to even notice. "Can't go to a festival and miss out on the fireworks..."

I was too stunned to speak. How could humans, who were so horrible, make something so beautiful?

A hand touched my cheek, turning my head away from the scene. Kenji's lips are on mine before I have a chance to even form a protest. This kiss isn't my first... I've shared kisses with a number of mermen. None of those compare to this. Maybe it had something to do with him being an incubus.

It was warm... kind of like when I would lay in the sun, but at the same time, it was wild... passionate. My back met with the soft blanket. Kenji pulled away, staring down at me with a soft smile. Behind him, fireworks were still bursting across the sky.

I'm not sure what had come over me, but I found myself smiling back up at him. Maybe... Very carefully, I let my tail shift into a pair of legs. I won't be able to keep it up for long, but it should be just long enough... I spread my legs a bit, one wrapping around his.

Kenji's mouth hung open as he locked eyes with me. He knew exactly what I was getting at. "You sure?"

I nodded. Maybe he'd been a jerk at first, but all through today, he'd been a wonderful gentleman. Maybe this was an elaborate scheme to get me to sleep with him, but that didn't matter. Maybe... maybe I was falling for this incubus... and I'm not so sure that I mind.

For if the night goes well ;)

-          Yuuji

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