Mysteries (Chikara Ennoshita)

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Wizzy: Takes place during Timeskip Era. Just a small little everyday kinda moment, but it's been a minute since we had one of these, so enjoy!

I called out his name as I stepped through the door. Not even a minute later, Ennoshita's head peeked out from another doorway.

"You're early." He cast me a smile. "You have any time to stick around or are you in a hurry?"

I shook my head. "No hurry today. This was my last stop before heading back to Sanctuary." Beside me, Kimura headed towards the backroom to get ready for his shift. "I can stay a minute. Although..." I glanced down behind me, where a little boy stood. "I do have to get him back to Sanctuary... but he might enjoy a  minute being out of the car."

Ennoshita followed my eyes before nodding. He motioned for me to follow before leading me back onto the break room.

Normally nonemployees wouldn't be allowed, but thanks to the fact I worked for Wiz, I was granted that little bit of privilege.

What I did isn't all that special... I'm just a Runner. I take this and that to here and there. It's not flashy like the things that Aki does with running the raids... nor is it noble like the counseling Numai does... or like Sugawara and Delta and how they spend free time teaching the former collected. Still, it was something very important.

Ennoshita placed a cup of coffee down in front of me on the table. In front of the kid, he had some paper, some crayons, and a small cup of hot chocolate. Taking his own cup, he sat across from me.

"So how's Wiz doing? Haven't gotten a chance to talk with her in a while... She's always too busy whenever I call."

I take a sip of the warm coffee. "Same as ever. Trying to do everything all on her own and all at once... I swear, that woman is going to work herself to death... but it's not like there's much anyone can do... Can only to so much..."

My eyes drifted to the kid, who had picked up a crayon and begun drawing. "Wiz needs to recruit more people to help out around Sanctuary... That alone would take a lot of the weight off her shoulders..." Ennoshita sighed, finger tracing over the cup in his hands. "Or if she could place more people... I wish there was more we could do... Not that she'd ever ask us for help..." He shook his head lightly before smiling. "Anyway... did you ever figure out what she is?"

It was no secret that Wiz had always hidden what creature she was... or rather, what mix of creatures she was. In working with the woman, I'd become determined to figure out the great mystery. "She's half vampire, but everyone knows that much... No luck on the other half though..."

The angel in front of me merely chuckled. "She's done a really good job keeping it secret, that's for sure... Pretty sure no one knows... Well, besides Shirabu. Pretty sure she's told him. They've always been pretty close..."

"He'd never tell though..." I perked up as an idea came to me. "Think Kenma knows? They're close too."

"Probably still wouldn't tell you." He was probably right... but you can't blame a girl for trying.

My eyes moved to the kid again, checking on him. He was still focused on his drawing... of a golden wereowl. Odd choice, but maybe he had a reason. "Can't really figure this kid out either... He's a mixed-blood too... We know he's half wereowl, but that's all we know... and he won't talk to anyone... Just brought him back from Tokyo... Shirabu and Dr. Sugiyama ran a few tests and are supposed to call Wiz if they can find out anything. Also took him to Numai... thought that if anyone could get him to talk, it'd be her, but no such luck..."

Ennoshita looked at the boy and then at me. "You might just have to give him some time... Being with the Collectors is rough enough... but being only a child... I can't even imagine..." His eyes lit up as a thought crosses his mind. "You know who would know what it's like though? Aki. Might have been a little older, but he was still only a kid. Maybe he would be able to get to him."

It was worth a try. Would take a bit of planning ahead, since Aki was always all over the place, but it had to be worth trying. "I'll have to all that one over with Wiz. If we can get something out of him, we might be able to get him back to his family... or place him in a new family if we have to..."

Ennoshita nodded. "In the meantime, at least he's safe staying at Sanctuary..." His eyes flicked to the clock on the wall. "Speaking of... you probably should head back soon... but..." He smiled a little. "When I get off work... would you like to have dinner with me?"

"I'd love to." Slowly I stood up, motioning for the kid to come along.

The boy straighten up his crayons and stood. Before following, he held out a drawing to Ennoshita. This wasn't the wereowl drawing though. This one had an angel man drawn on it. Beside him was a woman with calico cat ears and a tail... It's clearly meant to be the two of us, though I don't know how the boy knew that I was a werecat, let alone that I turned into a little calico housecat.

Between the two in the drawing, was a little girl. She had a pair of cat ears... a tail... and a pair of angel wings...

It's a strange drawing for sure, but it brought a smile to the angel's face. "Thank you."

The little boy smiled and then followed me out. "I'll see you later tonight."

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