Better Than This (Daichi Sawamura)

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Wizzy: Couple little updates. First, I've got about 20 more parts planned for this book. I've gotten pretty much all the main characters from the series done, so if there's a certain side character that you're really wanting to see, you might want to say something or else they may get left out.
Secondly, with this part, I'm vaguely introducing one of my own characters who will be mentioned in at least a few other parts. I'm currently planning to write another small book for her, which will give more insight into some of the events that happen throughout the creature collection. Because of this, I'm also going to rearrange all these stories into a special order when this book is done.
Lastly... I'm in need of a creature for Noya. He can be a mixed blood, but he can't be purely a kitsune, werewolf, vampire, incubus or merman. So any suggestions are appreciated.
**** Also it is 100% coincidence that this is being posted on his birthday (in my timezone, at least) but I'm kind of glad I waited until this morning to post it.


"How many times am I going to have to pick you up before it finally sinks in?" Daichi sighed as I lay across the back seat of his car. More specifically, the back seat of his police car. Horribly uncomfortable, but it wasn't the worst thing in the world.

"Don't know why you bother. It's not like I'm good for anything else anyway..."

I just barely hear him curse under his breath. He doesn't say anything more to me for the rest of the ride.

When we reached his place, I flopped down on his couch. Seemed like I've been sleeping here a lot more lately. It wasn't my choice to crash here, but I knew Daichi wasn't going to just let me go off on my own yet. We've had this same little dance countless times...

It's not my fault I was picked up by Collectors years ago... and it's not my fault that they molded me into what I am... I didn't choose to be born a wererabbit... and I certainly didn't magically make rabbits known for crazy sex drives and breeding... After everything with the Collectors, it wasn't like I could just hop right into a normal life.

My name left his lips in a scolding sigh. I already know what's coming next... lecture attempt number two. "You can't keep doing this... For one thing, it's illegal-"

"Stupid human laws don't apply to us nonhumans."

"That's the only reason you're here on my couch and not laying in a cold cell." Daichi crossed his arms over his chest. "Secondly, you're better than this. You're a fine young woman and you're more than capable of making a proper life for yourself... I don't know why you keep insisting on doing these things... If you'd just try..."

I rolled over, turning my back to him. "Daichi, you know that that's bullshit." Why did he have to keep trying so hard to fix me? It couldn't possibly be worth the effort. "I can barely read... I nearly burn the house down anytime I try to even boil water... I just make an even bigger mess whenever I try to clean... I don't have much strength at all... Sex is literally all I'm good for..."

"Prostitution is illegal," he said, as if repeating it would make any difference. "There has to be something you can do that is legal."

"Yeah, well there's not. So drop it."

Daichi let it go for now, but we both knew that this was far from over. He wasn't about to give up; he refused to believe that I was a lost cause.

Some clothes are tossed at me, making me glance his way. "At least change before you go to sleep..."

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