Excuses 2 (Kiyoomi Sakusa)

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Wizzy: Final part for Sakusa. Takes place after Meian part 1 and before Atsumu part 3. So... I actually had this planned before Komori Part 2 was even finished. Also for anyone who might question it, yes, you can actually pass out purely from anxiety and nerves. I know from experience. Not fun... but it did get me out of ever having to speak in front of the class again from 6th grade all the way until I graduated.

Today, I'll tell him. For sure this time. I can't back out... and I sure as hell won't be able to hide for long anyway.

I stood off to one edge of the gym, waiting for Sakusa. He's still talking with the team captain, so I don't want to interrupt or anything. After a moment, I'm joined by one of his teammates.

"Plans with Omi tonight?" Atsumu asked, stopping and standing beside me. His hair was wet like he'd just showered.

I turn to answer him but immediately brought my hand up to my nose. "Atsumu, are you using a new cologne or... or something? I... it's making me nauseous..."

"Same as always." He took a step back, but that didn't help in the slightest. Atsumu flashed a playful grin and chuckled a little. "What are ya, pregnant?"

"Yeah..." I didn't mean to tell him, but my mind was too focused on not spilling the contents of my stomach everywhere to come up with some excuse.

He turned to stare at me in shock. "Wait, what?!" It was clear that he'd only meant it as a joke... he didn't actually think that I would be. Not to mention, Sakusa was... well, Sakusa. To imagine him fathering a kid... it was unthinkable.

It was around then that the panic started to set in again. How the hell was I even supposed to tell him about this? He'll be pissed... There's no way he'd want anything to do with a child...

My thoughts were quickly spiraling out of control. This was exactly why I still hadn't told him... any time I tried, I'd start freaking out like this. This was the worst though... because not only was I freaking out over having to tell Sakusa, but also over the fact that I'd accidentally told Atsumu...

Before I could calm myself back down, everything went black.

When I opened my eyes, I'm not in the gym anymore... I'm in a hospital bed. I scanned the room quickly, hoping that maybe Sakusa was here with me, but no such luck. Instead, I had Atsumu.

Seeing me stir, Atsumu moved to sit closer to me. Before I could ask, he spoke up. "Omi needed a minute..." The look on the setter's face said it all. It had to have been the doctor who let it slip... Atsumu looked down. "He was pretty pissed..."

Of course... not only was I pregnant, but Atsumu of all people found out before he did... After this, I think it was safe to say that the relationship that we've had for seven years was done for...

"What am I going to do...? There's no way that he wants a kid..." The blonde gave my hand a reassuring squeeze.

Atsumu held my hand a bit longer. "It'll be okay, ya know? Omi... Omi might be kind of freaked out right now, but everything will work out somehow... At least... at least you've got him..."

As his voice trailed off, I felt that there was something deeper here. Something else was on his mind besides my current predicament. "Atsumu, are you okay?"

The setter hesitated, momentarily debating on if he wanted to bring it up now. "I... it feels like everyone has someone but me... Osamu's planning to ask his girl to marry him... Omi has you... he's crazy about you... Bokuto's got his wife and the twins... things seem like they're going well with Meian and that mermaid... Hell, even Shoyo has a girlfriend..."


"I... everyone gets to be with the one they love... and I..." He looked so pained just thinking about it. "I already fucked that up a long time ago..."

It wasn't like him to ever talk seriously about love or relationships... and now I think I understand why. If his heart was still in the hands of someone from his past, then how could he possibly look forward? "Atsumu, if you still love her, then you have to tell her."

Atsumu shook his head. "I wish it were that simple... She's probably already with someone else... and if she's not... I doubt she'd ever give me a chance after all the shit I've done... She would have to be insane to want anything to do with me..." He forced a grin. "I'll be fine though... Anyway... I'll go check on Omi."

As he left the room in search of my boyfriend, I felt myself start to get nervous again. What would he say when he came back? Would he even come back? No matter how I looked at it, there was no good ending for this...

Every second felt like an eternity. Eventually, the door opened again, and in walked Sakusa. No sign of Atsumu. Maybe he wanted to give us some time alone. I wished he hadn't.

Sakusa was quiet before handing me something. It was just a simple notebook. An odd thing, I thought... until I looked inside at the writing.

"I... I was going to come back sooner, but I had to find out some things..." He opened the notebook to a specific page. "I know how hard things were for Motoya growing up and I know that half vampires don't work the same as full vampires like me... His mother was a vampire though, so I can't really get information from her about what you might go through, so I asked Shoyo about the vampires he knew... if maybe one of them had kids with a human woman. Took longer than I thought, but... I did get to talk to someone. Woman by the name of Tsukishima... she's a mother of two... She was able to tell me a lot..."

I looked down at the book in my hands. He'd gone through all this trouble... just for me? Did I dare hope that this meant something? "Kiyoomi... you hate kids..."

Sakusa cleared his throat. "I know... I... Look... I'm terrified of where this is going, but... I don't want to throw away what we have over this..."

My eyes stung as tears of happiness filled my eyes. It was only that I really realized just how terrified I'd been... and how relieved I suddenly felt knowing that this wouldn't be the end.

He pulled me into his arms and I wrapped mine around him. "You're going to be a wonderful mother..."

I felt his breath against my neck only briefly, reminding me of a rather important issue... "Kiyoomi... what are you going to do about blood?" He was so picky about where he'd get blood from... and knowing him, he probably would refuse to take any from me now that he knew that I was pregnant. The only other person he trusted enough to take blood from was Komori... but he was in a completely different prefecture now. It wasn't like back when we were still in high school when he was always right there...

"Tsukishima said that if I were to take it from you, but only small amounts and not very often... it would be okay..." Sakusa didn't sound too thrilled about that idea though. "I can't get by with that little though... not with volleyball... so I'll have to find someone... I'd rather get Bloodsick than ask Atsumu for help... but if I have to, I could bear with it for a little while."

It wouldn't be easy, but we'd make things work out. Whatever happened next, we could face it together.

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